Bonus Chapter: Twitchy Little Ferret!

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~Year Four~

One day in Fourth Year, you and Draco, along with his friends, were walking with the new pins that said "POTTER STINKS". You kind of regretted it. He's still a great wizard.

Anyways, Draco was in a tree as you were behind it, studying for a test. It was Herbology, which was your favorite class. You put the book down when you saw Daniel walking with Mikayla, the girl you met just a few weeks ago. You waved, and they waved back. Daniel grabbed Mikayla's hand and took her to you.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Mikayla said. "How are you?"

"I'm doin' fine. I am studying, actually. You?" you asked, setting the quill down. You set the Herbology book aside and stood up.

"I'm okay. Why are you wearing the 'Potter Stinks' pin? I'd rather not wear it." Mikayla stated.

"I know, but... I don't know, actually. I am just wearing the pin," you stated. Dan nodded.

"Oh, hey! There's Cedric! I'm gonna go say hello to him, see you in a few minutes," Mikayla said and skipped away. Your eyes followed her until you couldn't see her.

"Oi, Crabbe! Isn't it that girl who's... a Mudblood?" you heard Draco ask Crabbe. You looked towards him and Crabbe, who nodded. "Filthy little-"

"Malfoy, shut up. You don't know her, so don't make fun of her," said Daniel, appearing behind you. Malfoy looked your way and saw the white haired boy behind you.

"Oh shut it, Grint," said Draco. "You're not a celebrity. You can't just boss people around."

"Says the guy who bosses his friends around..." Daniel muttered. He glared at him, and walked towards a beam on the castle, followed by you. You saw Mikayla talking to Cedric and Harry. Harry then walked off, followed by Mikayla. You guessed she had more questions about the scar or something.


"So, you like the new pins, Potter?" Draco stated as he jumped off the tree and landing on his feet (perfectly we all know).

"Go away, Malfoy," Harry stated. Draco scoffed.

"Well, it isn't the-"

Mad-Eye Moody jumped in out of nowhere. Your eyes widened, and you ran towards the scene, Daniel following.

"Oh yeah? Well how about something like this!" Moody said. Moody cast the spell which made someone or something into an animal. Draco was a white ferret. Daniel snorted and fell to the ground laughing. You giggled and saw Harry laughing and Mikayla covering her mouth trying not to laugh. Goyle and Crabbe were looking at their friend, shocked and worried. McGonagall ran in, looking worried and pointing to Draco the Ferret.

"Professor Moody! Is-Is that a student?" asked McGonagall.

"No, just a twitchy little ferret!" said Moody, lifting Draco the Ferret into Crabbe's pants. You covered your mouth in disgust. Daniel had tears of laughter in his eyes and Mikayla was looking away.

Draco came out of Crabbe's pants and was turned back into a human. Moody made Draco run away, you following. One of Draco's friends pushed Mikayla away, to the ground.

"Draco!" you yelled. He stopped and turned around.

"Yes, (Y/N)...?" Draco asked slowly. You went up to him.

"You alright?" you asked.

"Well, other than being in the most horrible thing I'll ever be in my entire life, I'm sort of fine." Draco said. You hugged him.

And, as I can't think of anything else, I'm ending here. Funny? Cute? I dunno. But Draco shall be forever known as Draco the Ferret.

New chapter relating to the plot is coming soon, (Y/N), so watch out!

Will Daniel be saved?
Or will someone sacrifice themselves, resulting in two deaths for you?

You will have to wait....

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