chapter ten

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Jackson stares up at the store sign, then back at Stiles.

Stiles rolls his eyes, "Oh, don't give me that look. You liked the ones you got for Christmas, didn't you?"

Jackson grumbles. "...Yeah, but," he looks up at the sign again, "did we really need to drive all the way out here, two towns over?"

"Look, this is where the ladies take me shopping, and probably where Anita had gotten them. It's quality stuff and I know how you get about quality, so quit your whining."

Jackson pouts but allows himself to be led in by the hand after Stiles kisses his cheek to appease him.


A familiar ring sounds from his laptop and Derek clicks to accept the video call. Stiles' face fills the screen, brown doe eyes twinkling with mischief as his boy gives him a crooked grin. "Hi, Daddy."

A slow smile curls his lips. Eyes lidded, Derek replies, "Hey, baby. I miss you."

"Miss you, too," Stiles sighs and runs a hand through his tousled hair, "But you'll be back soon, right? Just a couple more days at the super-secret west coast Alpha werewolf convention?"

He rolls his eyes fondly at the ridiculous title. "Yes, Stiles."

"Mm, good. Can't wait 'til you're home for Valentine's." Stiles' eyes smolder at him before the look is gone as soon as it appears. "So, have you learned anything interesting while you've been down there? You're playing nice with the other Alphas, aren't you?"

"Of course I am."

Stiles squints at him for a moment, then says, "Liar."

"Am not."

"Are too. You, mister, are a lying liar who lies. I bet you're doing your typical broody-and-mysterious-stay-away-from-me-grr shtick you have going on. Mr. Grumpers."

Derek scoffs as his mate sticks his tongue out and laughs at him.

"Well, if you're going to be like that tonight," he starts in a light tone, making the younger man shut his trap and straighten up noticeably because that tone can only mean trouble for Stiles, "I guess you don't want me to bring this back?"

He picks something up from off screen before showing it to Stiles.

Brown eyes widen dramatically. "Is that-?"

"-The ancient tome on herbal remedies you've spent weeks scouring the depths of the internet for? Maybe."

"Der-eeek, you bastard!" his mate whines at him, "Where did you find it?!"

"Alpha Bragg from Oregon owed me a favor," he answers with a nonchalant shrug, idly flipping through the fragile parchment. "Gonna be good for me now, mate?"

Stiles pouts at him for a moment before his expression slips into something a little more sweet and seductive, something Derek's always loved.

"Always, Daddy." His mate smirks then pulls away from the camera, and Derek takes a moment to stare at what he's wearing.

"Is that my jacket?"

Stiles smiles at him coyly and snuggles into it, giving himself a hug. He pulls a lapel close to his nose and inhales a deep lungful of Derek's rich, woodsy scent, "Mm, what can I say, I've missed you."

Derek notices he's not wearing much else, teasing peeks of pale dotted skin flashing at him briefly from underneath the leather, and the pendant of his collar glimmering faintly in the soft dim light. A bit of red catches his eye and he blinks, irises changing from hazel to crimson in a heartbeat.

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