Chapter 1

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I don't own the characters of this story, main characters names are from ABC Family's hit series pretty little liars and the books by Sara Shepard. The ideas on the other hand are mine and if some of the conflicts in the story are like others on here then im sorry for not giving cred if I read the story.

This is my first fanfic hope you enjoy and please be patient with updates I'm in 9th grade, so my work sometimes gets piled up.

Emily POV💗:

"Emily wake up you have to get to school or you can't swim today", my mom said from down stairs. "Ok mom I'll be right down", I said rolling out of bed to get ready. After 10 minutes I come down the stairs ready to go, I go into the kitchen and the first thing I hear is the sizzling of the beacon and as i get closer I soon find out it smells as good as it tastes. "Yum", I think to myself. After the beacon is done and I'm finished eating, I go off to school.

Once I get to school I see somebody is in my regular parking spot I curse to myself ,but don't make a big deal out of it because I'm getting tired of going to the principal's office. I just park in a spot further away and let it round off my back that someone would mess with me. I get out of the car and see my best friend Hanna waiting for me. She greets me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and when we pull away I see a huge smile plastered on her face. We do our secret hand-shake that we have been doing since forever. We walk up to the stairs of my school linking arms, just like we do everyday.

I go to my locker and grab my books for 1st and 2nd period, which is Math and French. When I get to Math I listen to the teacher from time to time ,but almost the entire time I was tuned out. As you can probably tell school and me don't really go hand and hand. Finally, after an exhausting 40 minutes the bell rang for 2nd period. When I get to French I'm already late "Thank god my French teacher is chill otherwise I would be died" I think to myself before walking into the room.

I look over and see someone in my seat "Ok am I being punk'd", I thought to myself ,but I must have said it out loud because a few people stared at me. I went up to Mrs. Silver and asked 'why is someone in my seat and where should I sit now', I'm getting a bit annoyed at the day I've been having. She told me that she was sorry and asked the girl that I've never seen before to get up, but I only saw the back of her head. So maybe I did know her just definitely not from this class. Once she turned to face me or should I say the teacher, I couldn't believe that the beautiful blonde was my old friend Alison DiLaurentis...

Alison POV💋:

    "Why did we move back here? When I'm here all I think about is the past and it kills me, I want to go back to New York. Please Mom I hate it here!!," I yell at my mom in a pleading voice. "Alison please, stop yelling and calm down, we came here because I couldn't think of anywhere else to go on such short notice. I thought for you it would be easier to go here ,a place that you know and have friends ,than a place you and I don't know at all. At least give this place another chance. It's not the towns fault we had a terrible experience here.," my mom told me rubbing her forehead ,which is a sign that she's getting frustrated with my attitude.

"Ok fine, I'm sorry mom ,but I just don't want to be here," I said calmly trying to redeem myself from yelling at her. "Ok now enough talking you need to get ready for school," Mom said trying to end the conversation. "Can't I skip," I said already knowing that answer ,but a girl can try right. "Alison, no get ready," My mom is so predictable I think to myself as I let out an exhausted fine. I grab my pink Michael Kors bag and keys to my blue Porsche and off to the hell parents call school.

    When I get to school I find a parking spot right in front. I get out of the car, go up the stairs of the building that says Rosewood High School on the front. I go to my locker that was surprisingly easy to find to go to 1st period science. To be honest I hate science, so this class is going to be so long for me. I'm a pretty good student just not when it comes to science.

Finally the bell rings, I go to my locker to grab my books for my favorite class French , when someone bumps into me. I fall to the ground and the person immediately helps me up. When I look up I'm met with hazel-gray eyes, unfortunately as beautiful as his eyes were ,it was my douchebag ex-boyfriend Noel. He immediately does his signature smirk and asks, "What's your name beautiful?," I look at him in shock that he doesn't remember me. I mean I know it's been about 4 years ,but I really didn't I changed that much. "Noel it's me Alison," I said hoping that my name would ring a bell to him.

He looks at me for a moment before giving me a knowing smile, "I'm just kidding Ali, of course I remember my gorgeous ex-girlfriend that's why I bumped into you, duh. So, how are you?" he says giving me a hug, wow maybe he has matured a little now I feel bad calling him a douchebag earlier in my head. "I'm fine, you?" I said actually acknowledging him. "Good ,but better that I see your back in town," he said sweetly. As I'm just about to say something the bell rings to get to class. So I quickly say goodbye to him and grab my books for French and practically run to class.

When I get to class there's barely anybody there, so I go to the teacher ,since I came back in the middle of the year and she tells me where to sit. After maybe 5 minutes it looks like everyone is here. We are about to get started when I see a dark brunette with tan skin coming into the room. When she turns I only see half of her face it looks familiar ,but I don't think much of it.

She goes to the teacher to talk to her, I'm guessing when the teacher tells me to go to another seat and the girl sits where I was. The whole class the girl was looking at me shocked and I really didn't understand why. I'm getting annoyed now it's almost the end of class and she's still staring. We hear a loud sound outside the classroom so our teacher goes to check on what happened. As soon as the door closes the class turns into a zoo. I turn around again and she is still staring, so I decide to say something.

I walk up to her and say, "Why are you staring at me? Am I that intriguing?," She immediately drops her jaw, "Sorry it's just...I haven't seen you in so long and I.....missed you Ali,"she said getting up and give me a hug. Now I feel bad because I lost my temper, which I usually don't do, on someone that just missed me and I don't remember who she is, this is awkward.

"Sorry for shouting ,but I don't remember you. What's your name?" I ask with an apologetic look. I see her eyes that she gets really sad when I said that ,but after a couple of seconds the sadness goes away ,but she still didn't speak. She finally says, "Emily, Emily Fields." After I hear that I jump into her arms like we were sisters and she held me tight to make sure I wouldn't fall. I can't believe I forgot about Emmy, that just shows how much I blocked this place out. We exchanged numbers after the hug and the rest of the time we talked like we were back in 8th grade. Maybe moving back wasn't so bad after all.

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