Chapter 2

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Emily POV💗:

    I can't believe Alison is back in town. Last time I saw her, she was a mess and so devastated. I will never forget the way she hugged me that day, most like she didn't want to let go....


    I heard sirens coming from nextstore. I got extremely nervous because that's Alison's house, I also heard a lot of crying, no wait more like screaming coming from outside. I leave my bedroom as fast as I can to see what was happening.

When I get there I was so out of breathe ,but I needed to know what happened ,so I continue to run through the crowd around her front yard to find myself hitting yellow caution tape. Cops and paramedics were everywhere. I scouted through all the people for Alison, finally I spot her near the side of her house talking to five cops with her mom. "Ali", I call out ,but she doesn't hear me.

I past the caution tape ,but a cop tries to hold me back, so I stop trying to get past him and say as calming as I can that "Alison is my best friend and I just want to make sure she's okay." With that he let me past ,which I was really surprised about considering he didn't even ask me my name or where I lived. She sees me as soon as I get 2 or 3 steps away from the cop. She says something to the cops and her mom, then runs to me until her head was on my shoulder and she was sobbing. "Ali what happened?", I ask softly as I rub her back trying to calm her down. She whimpers a little before speaking and then says "He's died......My dad is dead and it wasn't an accident, was a murder", she cries harder and harder until she is almost falling asleep.

Before she completely falls asleep I pick her up bridal style and tell her mom that I'm take her to my house while the cops finish up getting evidence. Her mom says "thank you", to me then goes back to talking the the policemen. I go back to my house put Ali in my bed and then I get on the other side and we both fall asleep almost instantly.

End of Flashback

    After that next morning she left Rosewood and I never saw her again, until now obviously. I'm in 9th period now, "Dammit Emily you thought about her the whole day" I cursed to myself. 9th period is my favorite because I have gym and now I like it even more because Ali's in it with me. Everybody is getting changed in the locker room for class.

Couch told me that we are playing dodgeball and I'm one of the captains, the other captain is Ben Coogan, so I need to beat him. A lot of people in the school think I'm competitive ,but that's not true at all really. I needed to win against Ben because he's a dick and thinks he's better than everyone else.

    Ben and I do rock, paper, scissors to see who goes first, I know childish ,but I win and I already know who I'm going to pick, "Toby" I scream out and Ben sighs knowing that he's going to loss. Then, he picks Caleb and Shana, I pick Jason and Mike, then he picks Ian and Alison and I gasp 'damn now we're in trouble. I would never let Alison get hit with the ball and if anybody on my team did hit her I would kill them', I think to myself. Once we are done picking I think of what I am going to do, 'What's more important right now proving a point that Ben isn't good at everything if a girl beat him or Ali possibly getting hurt. We all throw about 80 miles an hour, Ali will get killed she's not strong in gym and all the boys on my team are athletes.

Finally, I get an idea I call the boys and few girls over that are all on my team and I tell them that we are going to get everyone out besides Alison then, will have Thomas hit her lightly to get her out and I swear if Thomas hits her even a little bit harder than light he should run as fast as he can away from me unless I WILL hurt him. We all agree with the plan and Couch call go and we all go crazy.

Toby goes for Ben immediately and gets him out, "Oh this is going to be easy" I say to my team. One after another, every ball we throw we get at least one person out. After, we get about 20 more out it's just Alison left, I give Thomas a nod to hit her. He hits her and we win, I go back to the girls locker room all happy that we won, Ali seems happy to considering she got hit.

Everybody is changing to go home and I was already done ,so I decide to ask Ali if she's to come over to catch up with each other and school ,even though I have swim practice Alison is way more important to hangout with. She happily says, "Yes" with a huge smile. I missed that smile. I smile too and we get ready to go. I just hope it's not awkward because I really want to be friends with her again.

Alison POV💋:

    Emily ask me to hangout with her after school ,which is now. We are walking because Hanna took Emily's car home to skip class and Noel and Spencer took my car as a welcome back gift ,but I don't mind we both lived pretty close. Emily on the other hand looks pissed ,I guess Hanna didn't tell her she was taking her car.

    After a couple more minutes we are at her house, she opens the door and we go up to her room. Surprisingly it looks exactly the same. Same photos of us when we were younger on her walls, same full bed that we had numerous sleepovers on, even the same height chart that shows Emily's heights each year since she was three. Everything's the same, I just hope Emily is still the same sweet, kind, loving,and funny girl I met when I was four. If it turns out that she's not I don't know what I will do. It would completely break me.

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