Chapter 4

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Emily POV💗:

    After Ali left I got a text from Hanna saying...

H- Hey what would happen if Ali knew abt Maya?

I thought about it for a second and I started to grow....scared because I legit don't know what would happen. I'm pretty sure it would ruin everything Al and I have ,but I'm not as sure as I would have been before she left. I finally answer back.

E- Y? There's no way of her knowing, right? what brought this on?

H- Nothin brought it on Em i was just thinking nd i thought i should ask u.

E- Not to b rude but u never think so y start now nd since ik ur lying cut the bullshit!!!

H- Ok Emily god, Ali hear that u were talking to Maya nd she didnt know who she was so she txted me and idk what to tell her but she doesnt want u to know that she was eavesdropping on u.

E- Ok so tht explains it sorta. look plz just tell her that she is a friend that hangs out w the wrong crowd but shes not a bad person.

H- Emily r u sure? u never lied 2 her before nd how she is i dont think its a good idea.

E- i dont have anything else better than that rn. i want to b the one to tell her the truth so for now lie.

H- ok bye Em (This is just how i text)

After that I started getting really worried that Hanna wasn't going to follow through with what I said. She's a good friend ,but awful at lying.

Hanna POV💅:

I really want to make sure Emily is happy and calm because she kind of scares me ,but I want Ali to trust Em cause if not that would break both of them. So when Ali texted me saying she was home I called her and said, "Look Ali I know I said I would tell you ,but I really think that you should ask Em. Believe me she won't get mad at you or anything just ask her calming and when your alone with her." All I hear is her breath quicken a little and then I hear her cries. I feel so bad because in a way I cause it. She hangs up without saying anything. I decide to text her after 20 minutes and maybe tell her about Maya.

H- r u ok?

A- idk

H- Did u talk to Em?

A- No i cant shes going to b so mad at me plz just tell me?

H- Ok Maya is.......Im srry Ali i cant bc i dont want to b between u 2 just talk 2 her and evething will b fine.

A- ok but ur an asshole for not telling me.

Wow that hurt like seriously no one like Alison has said that to me before. Oh well I'll get over it. What do I mean by like Alison you may ask? She actually a nice person ,but she is broken as fuck.

H- whatever u say Al. gn

A- gn han.

Alison POV💋:

    As soon as I got off the phone with Hanna I decided it would be best to go to bed and talk to Emmy tomorrow about Maya. I'm not that interested in this girl ,so its getting me nervous that no one will tell me anything about her. I just want to know because its Emily that got upset from her ,so I think I should know who caused my best friend pain.

Tomorrow morning

    I got up to go to school and while getting change I sent Emily a text to meet me at lunch to talk to her. She's probably wondering why ,but I want to know and since we've been the type of friends that talk to each other about everything I figured I should take Hanna's advice. To be honest I'm a little scared these questions keep on poping in my head of what I'm going to say to her and I don't have a lot of answers to them. My mom calls me to come downstairs and eat before I'm late for school. Ugh this is going to be a long day, I hope nothing bad happens.

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