Chapter 5 - Morgan

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Chapter 5 – Morgan

School was boring. I slept through my calculus class and desperately wished I was tired enough to sleep through history. As I watched the second hand of the clock tick onward with painful slowness, I could think of only one thing that kept my mind occupied and content: girls. It was time to start checking names off my hookup list.

Who would the first target be? I was very eager to hook up with Trinity but she seemed to have a large group of girls and guys surrounding her wherever she went. She might be a take a little more work and I hadn’t hooked up with a girl in weeks, which meant I was looking for someone quicker. The nerdy girls didn’t get excite me. I needed someone with a great body who was an easy get and would be up for a fun romp with no strings attached.

Just as that thought was going through my head, Sadie and couple of her soccer friends walked into my English class and my eyes landed on a pretty, athletic-looking girl with long brown hair and a mischievous smile. Morgan. She seemed perfect for what I had in mind. Yes, she would be a great warm up to the girls at Lakeville High School. Best of all, it would rattle Sadie a bit and let her known that I meant business.

Sadie’s eyes narrowed suspiciously as soon as she saw me. Did the girl think I had switched classes just to be in hers? Sorry honey, I thought, I’m smarter than you think. I can handle AP English. It’s all BS anyway and I can do that with the best of them. Did she actually think I had switched classes just to have more opportunity to harass her? That was just a nice bonus.

Morgan noticed Sadie’s stare and looked in my direction. As soon as she saw me I gave her a little smile and a head nod. Morgan’s reaction spoke volumes. She didn’t blush and smile nervously like a lot of girls did. Instead, she pursed her lips and looked me up and down as if sizing me up. My smile grew. This girl clearly wasn’t afraid to go after a guy as soon as she decided she was attracted to him. I would be hooking up with Morgan before the day was over.

Sadie must have sensed that something was up because she led the girls to the other end of the room and sat between me and them. Every time I looked over she was glaring at me. It was hard not to burst out laughing; her angry face was actually kind of cute. Still, she was doing a pretty effective job at cutting me off from Morgan. I needed to get Morgan’s attention.

“So,” Ms. Neuman, our English teacher said, “let’s get into The Catcher in the Rye, shall we? What are your initial thoughts? It’s not like any other book you’ve read, is it? What do you think about the way Holden judges people? Is he too hard on Mr. Spencer and Stradlater?”

Sadie raised her hand. “I like Holden,” she said. “He sees people for who they really are. Stradlater was a spoiled private school creep who was just interested in hooking up with Jane Gallagher. Stradlater didn’t even know her name. Holden is a good guy for sticking up for his friend.”

I had no doubt who that little conversation was intended for. Sadie smiled primly at me, as if to say, See? I can see through phonies like you.

I raised my hand. In truth, I hadn’t read the book, but Sadie had told me everything I needed to know. “I actually preferred Stradlater to Holden,” I said.

Ms. Neuman’s eyebrow’s climbed up her forehead. “Oh?”she said in surprise. “Why is that?”

I smiled and leaned back in my chair. I had the class’s attention now. I could have some fun. “I know how hard it is to be away from your family. My dear classmate, Maddie, just called Stradlater a ‘spoiled private school creep’...”

“Sadie,” Ms. Neuman said. Sadie was glaring at me.

“What?” I asked in mock surprise.

“This is Sadie,” Ms. Neuman said, pointing to Sadie. “You said Maddie. But please continue, I love hearing different perspectives. I’m thrilled that you are already engaging with this book so deeply.”

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