Chapter 2 - Making the Hookup List

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Chapter 2 – Making the Hookup List

“If you were any dumber I’d kick you in the nuts until I was certain you couldn’t reproduce and spread your idiocy to what would be my future nieces and nephews,” Aaron said.

“And girls around the world would die of sadness,” I said. “Trust me bro, you don’t want that on your conscience.”

I heard Aaron sigh on the other end of the line. “Nate, you’ve really screwed up,” he said. “You can’t afford another expulsion. Getting into colleges is going to be tough enough for you as it is.”

I was lying on my bed talking to my older brother Aaron on my cell phone. I knew I would be getting this call ever since I got kicked out of Southcrest and had been dreading it. Somehow Aaron’s big brother lectures were far worse than mom and dad’s. I tried to inject some humor into it but he was having none of that. Maybe I should try again.

“Hey, I’ll be able to focus a lot more at school now,” I said. “The biggest problem was not having girls around. Lakeville is filled with cute girls, though. Don’t worry; they will definitely keep me attending classes.”

“You better attend classes or else you’re going to end up as a high school dropout and no chick is going to want anything to do with you,” Aaron said. “As for Lakeville girls, well, you can forget about them. They’re off limits to you.”

That caught me off guard. “Off limits? What are you talking about?”

“Lakeville is my school,” Aaron said. “I own it even if I’ve gone off to college. I talked to a few of my buddies and told them they can use whatever means necessary to keep you away from girls. You’re going to work hard at school, kill yourself at soccer practice, and then come home and study. That’s it. If I hear you’re getting in trouble or getting involved with girls I am going to come back and lay a whooping on you so bad you’ll wish you never heard about Lakeville High School.”

“Ease up, dude,” I said to Aaron with a little laugh. Inside however, I was a bit worried. Surely Aaron didn’t have that much influence at Lakeville. Who did he think he was? I was 17 years old, I had spent the summer getting ripped for the chicks, and I had no doubt that I would be the best-looking guy at the school. Aaron might be a legend at Lakeville but that would only make me more desirable to the ladies who didn’t have a chance to sleep with him when he was at school. Aaron was gone now. It was time for him to move on and let me live it up. He might have owned Lakeville but now it was my time. I was the new king of the school and he better get used to it. “Seriously,” I said. “The last guy to tell me not to mack on the ladies was Commandant Howard and he found me on top of his daughter. You’ve got a girlfriend at Lakeville. If you’re not nice to me the next time you come home to visit you might just find a little surprise as well.”

Aaron started laughing.

“What are you laughing about?” I asked in irritation.

“Well, you can try to hook up with Sadie, but I don’t think it’s going to go very well for you,” Aaron said. “Remember what happened last time, buddy? She gave you a scolding that left you in tears.”

“I did not cry,” I said indignantly.

“Hey, I just thought of something else you’re going to do,” Aaron said. “Sadie’s dad is having some health issues so you’re going to go over to their place every other weekend and mow their lawn. Also, Sadie’s little sister Caroline is in eighth grade this year and she has signed up for debate club at the middle school. It meets every Wednesday morning before school starts so you’re going to drive her there. The middle school starts earlier than the high school so you can go back home or just hang out and study for a while at school after you drop her off. I’ll leave that part up to you.”

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