Chapter Two

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Harry grabbed a seat at Draco's table and fell into it. "Hermione pulled this whole blind date thing. I won't act like you're my first choice for a flatmate."

    He looked a bit startled. "Aren't you going to buy a dri-"

    "I'm just doing this so she doesn't bug me about it afterwards."

    "Okay." He took a long drink from his mug. "So, I found a place in the heart of Diagon Alley. We wouldn't quite be paying equal shares, but-"

    "Wait, are you serious?"

    He furrowed his brow. "We're here to discuss getting a flat together."

    Harry shook his head. "Wouldn't that drive you nuts? Living with your childhood enemy?"

    "That was ages ago, Harry."

    "I-" Harry realized, once more, that he didn't have much of an argument. "Fine. Tell me about the flat."

    "It's got two bedrooms and one bathroom, plus a living area with a kitchen. I'd have you pay about 27 galleons a month, so-"

    "27 galleons?" That was even cheaper than Harry's current flat! "That's dirt cheap! How much would you be paying?"

    "I'd pay... The rest."

    Harry realized that for Draco to pay so much of the rent... "You must be positively loaded! What is it that you do?"

    He reddened a little with Harry's rude question. "I work at a record store and, uh... I do some side work. On the streets. All muggle stuff, it wouldn't interest you..."

    "Oh my god. You're a bloody drug dealer."

    Draco shushed him. "Christ, Harry, do you want the whole of Westminster to hear? It's just to get a little bit of spending money, alright?"

    "Do you do drugs?"

    "Oh for fuck's sa- what?"

    "If we're going to be flatmates, I want to know. Malfoy, are you a stoner?"

    "No! God! Not- not often. Maybe... Once a month? Twice?"

    Harry rolled his eyes. "I can't believe I'm considering a fucking druggie as a roomie."

    "Hey, it's not like I'm shooting up every other hour. You could do a lot worse, Potter."

    "And you could do a lot better! With money like yours, why would you even think to come to me?"

    Something changed in the boy's blue eyes. "With a reputation like mine in the wizarding world, I don't have much of a choice."

    Harry locked eyes with Draco for a few moments before the blond turned his focus towards his coffee. After a moment's thought, Harry sighed, knowing immediately that he'd regret his next sentence.

    "Alright, then. Let's go check this place out."

    A look passed over his face- surprise, perhaps- for a brief moment before he gave Harry that ever-so-familiar smirk. "Follow me."


    Draco led Harry straight into the heart of Diagon Alley. As it was a busy Friday, people rushed around them on all sides. Harry was a bit more stressed than he thought he'd be, especially when he lost Draco amongst the bustling shoppers.

    The crowd seemed to move relentlessly, the countless conversations piling together and building to a roar. Having lost his sense of direction, Harry stumbled a few times over the cobblestones still slick with the previous night's rain. He felt lost amongst the near-violent crowd; when was the last time he'd gone out in public during such a busy time?

    He'd come to a dead stop, but everyone around him continued to move. He remained solid as the people moved around him, a boulder amongst the waves as panic built in his throat.

    Out of nowhere, a pale hand reached out and grabbed Harry's forearm. Firmly, Harry was pulled out of the bustling mess and into an alley, where he faced Draco (whose hand still remained around Harry's arm).

    "Bloody hell, Potter," Draco muttered. "You were supposed to keep following me."

    Harry shook his head. "Sorry, got a bit lost."

    "Dunno how you managed that- it's a pretty straight road."

    "Let's just go see the house, Malfoy."

    Both boys looked down to Harry's forearm, still held by Draco's cool, pale hand. Realizing that he'd been holding it for way too long, Draco dropped Harry's arm as a blush built at the edges of his cheeks. He turned away and led Harry just a few steps further into the well-lit alley, to a black door.

    Instead of a knocker, an eye was engraved in the wood of the door. Gently, Draco ran his fingers over it, and the eye began to move around, looking first at Draco and then at Harry. It moved its pupil back to Draco before settling. The engravement shone a bright gold for a moment, and the door clicked: it had unlocked.

    Draco pushed the door open, revealing nothing but a staircase. The boys began to climb, passing six landings, each home to one unit, before reaching the seventh floor. Another eye was engraved in this door and as soon as Draco had performed the same steps as he previously had, the pair was stepping into the flat.

    They were met with a gorgeous room: one wall was nothing but brick and had a fireplace carved out of it in the living area. To the right of this fireplace was a television, which was opposite the couch: all grey material and black throw pillows. To the right of the couch, a glass wall overlooking the bustling of Diagon Alley stretched across the room. The wall behind the couch was entirely bookshelves, and the space between the two was filled by two chairs. Further along the brick wall was the kitchen, tucked away in the corner between the brick and the bathroom. To the right of the door was a hall, which, no doubt, led down to the two bedrooms.

    It was the most amazing living space Harry had ever seen.

    "I'll take it," he said.

    Draco gave him a look of disbelief, which, surprisingly enough, was paired with a smile. "You haven't even seen the bedrooms yet!"

    "I don't need to. This is beyond... This is amazing."

    "I think I'll show you the bedrooms anyways, just to keep that look of disbelief on your face."

    Draco led the way down the rather short hall. Two black doors, each on the left side, were the only breaks in the expanse of grey wall. The furnishings were identical: massive bed, bedside tables, dresser. The glass wall in the living room continued into each bedroom, so the wall opposite the door showed a long stretch of Diagon Alley.

    "Draco Malfoy, I could kiss you."

    Draco laughed lightly, obviously a bit uncomfortable. "So we'll be moving in, then?"

    "Yes. Please, god yes."

    "I was hoping you'd say that, because I've already paid the month's rent. Actually, I've sort of already moved in."

    "You live here and manage to keep it this clean?"

    Draco shrugged. "I keep things tidy. You know, for the aesthetic value." He raised his eyebrows. "Alright, then, Potter. Run on home, grab your things. You can move in here tonight."

    Harry grinned. "Brilliant." Without another word, he was out the door.

    Draco continued to stare out the window. "Moving in with Harry bloody Potter," he muttered to himself. "My father won't hear about this."

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