One Problem Leads to Another

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As the voices and whispers of the crowds of people grew, Padmé looked up at Anakin.
"What is it?" She asked in confusion.
"Mmm, oh, uh nothing. I'm fine." He said, barley looking at her.
"Anakin I am not going down this road again! Tell me, what's wrong?" She asked again.
"It was too easy." He confessed.
"Too easy?" She asked, her tone shocked.
"Anakin, that was not easy!"
"Yes, it was. It was too easy for the Sith. They are, normally better planned then that. Something isn't right. I can sense it." He lowered his tone as they came to the crowds of people.
Padmé kept quiet until they reached her room. After walking in she turned to him.
"What are you thinking?" She asked.
He looked down at the scarp on her neck. She cringed at the pain. The dried blood rested on the skin around.
Anakin walked over and grabbed a cloth. He dabbed the cut and cleaned it. She looked up at him and smiled.
"No more of this right now." She said, reaching up and pulling his tall head down.
"I couldn't agree more." He echoed, then bent over.
As they embraced, a tired Obi-Wan walked in.
"Good lord, put a sign up or something," He complained, turning around.
"Right, sorry," Anakin answered, slowly letting go of Padmé.
"We have a few things to consider," Obi-Wan frowned as he spoke.
"If the Sith had managed to get through, they'd have use our teleports and appear as we do. They didn't get through,  but there's always a plan B, we need to find out what their's is," He stroked his bread in between breaths.
"Did they use mind tricks?" Anakin suggested,
"Turning one of the Jedi with a mind trick would be a problem,"
"It would be an even larger problem if it was someone of high importance," Obi-Wan added.
"So we just look for anyone who's acting against us?" Padmé asked, leaning on the soft couch in front of her.
"It's what we'll have to do," Anakin replied, turning to face  her.
"That could take awhile," Obi-Wan said politely.
"It's the only plan we've got," Anakin answered, shaking his head.
"I don't remember you as one for plans," Obi-Wan teased, then walked to the door.
"Neither do I..." Anakin muttered back, smiling at himself.
"Sorry I have to—"
"I know," Padmé finished,
She kissed his cheek, suddenly feeling a hot flush, causing her to stumble back in shock.
"Padmé!" Anakin reached out trying to steady her,
"I—I'm fine," she whispered,
"I just need some, water," she finished, walking over to get water.
"It's okay, I'm fine, go." She said, cracking a smile.
He stroked her cheek then kissed the top of her head, leaving her to her thoughts.
She had gotten worse.
In a span of two hours she felt overly tired and her tempura true was quickly rising. When Anakin had eventually arrived home a man that had been a doctor in his previous life, was called. So were Master Windu and Yoda.
"Strange this is, getting sick, not possible." Yoda spoke, feeling her forehead for temperature.
"What's wrong?" Anakin asked, quietly, but still worrisome.
"Skywalker, she's been attacked by Sith, she's—she's—"
"She can't die, she's already—" Anakin stopped himself before the words spilled.
"True that may be, but powerful the Sith are, become fully gone, she might," he told Anakin.
Padmé  had drifted into sleep, her sheets soaked in the sweat that lured from her forehead.
"Come Anakin, let her rest." Master Windu suggested,
Anakin turned back to her and put his cold hand to her burning cheek, then left with the others.
As they entered the living room Obi-Wan rushed in,
"I—I heard what happened, how is she?" He noticed Anakin staring at the floor, the same pained look in his eyes as right before—
"Talk to him," Master Windu whispered to Obi-Wan, then Yoda and him walked out of the beautiful Naboo styled apartment.
"She's dying, again," Anakin croaked, his voice strained.
"She's not going to die, we won't let that happen," Obi-Wan sat beside his old padawan.
"She is strong, she will fight this off. Have you checked on Luke or Leia recently? Or Han So—"
"Don't get me started on him," Anakin lifted his hand up,
Obi-Wan stifled a laugh,
"You know he's not evil, he's just—," Obi-Wan started to talk but he couldn't think of a way to tell Anakin that his daughter was going to marry a smuggler, especially as she had been born from a legendary family and raised into a royal family.
"What about Luke?" Anakin turned and asked,
"Has he, found...someone?"
"Anakin he's a Jedi knight he's not allowed to—"
Anakin raised an eyebrow and smirked at his old master.
"Right, I forgot who I was talking to..." Obi-Wan finished.
"And, I don't hate Han what's his name, he saved Luke before....from me, he helped save Leia...also from me,"
"Anakin that wasn't you, that was....Vader, a different man, I mean you really look nothing like him!"
Anakin shook his head and rolled his blue eyes.
"It's hard to believe that all of this, started with one little blonde boy on Tattoine," Obi-Wan exhaled, turning to Anakin.
He smiled at his hands.
"Which one?" Anakin asked, smirking,
Obi-Wan smiled, and shook his head.
"Whether the council likes it or not, you started a wonderful family, and no matter what, it will be the most difficult family to ever forget."

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