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Tagged by -Renci- as always XD SO HERE WE GO


High Heels or Shoes?
Shoes for life! I've never really worn high enough heels for them to count as "high heels," and besides. My shoe liking count consists of Uggs in the winter/fall and Flip Flops/Toms in spring and summer.

Ninjago or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?

Chocolate or Skittles?
I gotta say Chocolate. I love almost every kind of chocolate that doesn't have any nuts in it, but I only really like red skittles.


Ed Sheeran or Shawn Mendes?
Ed Sheeran, I guess... I know a good amount of his songs but I only know Stitches by Shawn Mendes. Whoops

Science or Social Studies/History?
Hmm, I dunno. I like Social Studies and I'm pretty good at it but I also like Science! So both I guess XD

Mother or Father?
OK WHO MADE THIS TAG I SHALL NOT PICK BETWEEN MY PARENTS! My mom is awesome and makes amazhang popcorn and my dad is comedically overprotective and gullible XD

Dresses or Jeans?
I absolutely despise almost all jeans, so dresses. I prefer leggings or yoga pants, but I can handle dresses.

Movies or TV Shows?
TV shows, I guess. I love movies and going to the movies, but tbh I watch more TV shows over and over than movies.

Can I just pick neither and put YouTube? XD

Favorite Pet?
I've had my fair share of pets in my lifetime. About a gajillion goldfish (not all at once tho), at least six hermit crabs (also not all at once), two frogs (that are dead), and my dog who I got last year. My favorite is definitely my dog Gus because a) He's a dog, b) I can actually cuddle him, c) I love dogs, and d) he's the pet that will live the longest out of all my pets XD But one bad thing is he runs put of the family room, upstairs to my door, and head-butts it open at 12:30 am and scares me half to death like he juST DID TWO SECONDS AGO

I don't wear it unless I have to, like for a dance concert or a play where it's required. I don't know why my mom makes me wear mascara ever; I have the longest eyelashes ever. Last year a lot of girls wore, like, blue eye shadow and stuff. For shell's sake it's MIDDLE SCHOOL, it isn't important to wear that much makeup!

Camp Half-Blood or Harry Potter/Hogwarts?
HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO PICK? CHB has amazhang orange shirts and I love orange. Plus there's Chiron and Percy and Annabeth and Grover and etc to meet! But HP has magic and wands and noseless bas guys and the golden trio themselves so i caN'T CHOOSE

Favorite Ninjago Character? (if it's not your thing, you can skip)
I didn't skip it but.... I don't watch Ninjago 0.0

Not yet. I had a palette expander last year, and also a lip bumper which pushes your lip away from your teeth so the teeth can spread out. I'm getting braces in the beginning of 2016, right before break ends.

Song That Represents You?
Ummm I have no idea. Any ideas? XD Maybe... um, I dunno.

Deepest Desire?
I honestly don't know. I don't think about the future at all, really. I kinda wanna become a teacher, like elementary math or something. My friends always say I'm better at explaining math then our teacher XD

But my deepest desire? Um...... I dunno, to have a peaceful world? I'M JUST MAKING STUFF UP! I have no clue what my deepest desire is.... uh.... oops?

Random Person You Trust On Wattpad
Um um um -Renci- BUT THERE ARE OTHE PEOPLE TOO! In fact a lot of other people XD

A Fact About Myself
I have a small obsession with collecting Beanie Boo stiffed animals and have 3 medium-sized boxes filled with them, and more that aren't in the boxes 0.0

Tag People
I tag Geeky_TMNT and tmntgravityfalls but anyone else is welcome to do it if you want!

a/n: I'm at the point where it doesn't count misspelled words as wrong because I misspelled them so many times, but still says Wattpad is wrong.

What even, spell check?

Sorry if there are spelling mistakes that my phone ignored XD


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