Chapter 17

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I stared out into the room as one of the nurses dropped her clipboards in surprise. "OHMYGOD!" she screamed an ran to go get a doctor . I tried to lift up my left hand but something was holding it down. My precious Niall. He was fast asleep, laying in the chair peacefully. I slowly slipped under his hand and tried to get up. I needed to walk. Bad idea. I immediately collapsed once my feet touched the ground and a bunch of cords got pulled out from my wrist. I heard Niall yawn. "Ow." I whispered. "Taylor?" I heard Niall said. I looked at the feet standing in from of me and met his blue eyes. I was laying helplessly on the ground unable to move, mostly just trying to hide my butt from the gown. "Taylor!" Niall cried as he fell to the floor and gave me a kiss. It was unexpected so I started laughing. "You are in so much trouble. You left me! How could you do that?!" he screamed. I tried to talk but he wouldn't let me. He set his lips on mine once more as we began to kiss. His lips on mine, that warmth in my heart, it all felt surreal. The problem was, I had to remember what Logan said. I had to remember who I loved. And that wasn't Niall.

Niall quickly picked me up and set me back on the bed. "Niall.." I began but he shushed me. He then picked me up wedding style and led me to the window. "What the.." I said looking down at the hundreds of fans outside the hospital. "Did you get hurt?" was the first thing I asked. "No silly they're for you." he said with a smile and then planted his forehead against mine. For me? Why would so many people be here for me? "Where are their pitch forks?" I asked seriously. Niall laughed and led me back to the bed. He then walked to the table and back handing me a stack of magazines. With my face on the cover of each and every one of them. I stared at them in awe, quickly flipping through every page. They the whole world knew I was Tyler, and people liked it? They thought it was great that I tried so hard to do what I love. In bold letters on three of the magazines it's "BIGGEST COMEBACK". I felt tears began to stream down my cheeks. My life was finally coming back, I was going to be just fine. I got so excited that I locked eyes with Niall and kissed him one last time. The last kiss I knew I could give him. Of course though, everything gets ruined in my life.

"Nice to see you awake." I heard that deep British accent mumble. Oh no. I looked up and met his green eyes. The green eyes in which felt like forever ago that I've seen. Behind him was my dad. But I was really only looking at him. The one I love. I quickly got up from the bed and ran to him, jumping into his arms. But I only received a slight pat on the back. "Well I see who you have chosen." he sighed turning away. I tried to grab his hand but he was already out the door. Jesus, only five minutes of being awake and I had already lost the one person, the one reason, that I actually wanted to wake up.

After that I couldn't think straight. Days and days passed. Each doctor was astonished with my recovery along with all the reporters that came in. So many TV shows, reporters, producers were flooding into my room that eventually my dad wouldn't allow it anymore. Even though my Dad has been non existent in my life for months, I was glad he was here. I wasn't going to make the same mistake I made with my mom. I wasn't going to push him out of my life anymore, or anyone.

Niall came in everyday to see me. We started to like each other again. It was hard not to fall for his perfect personality and he made me happy. So why did I feel like that wasn't enough? My memories of Logan and my time in Heaven or where ever I was were now a blur. But my conversation with him will never be forgotten. And he was right. When he spoke, I didn't think of Niall. I thought of Harry. The dangerous, flirty, beautiful boy that made me fall so hard for him, it scared the shit out of me. There wasn't a moment in the day where I didn't regret not running after him. It'd been a week since I'd woken up and I was just scrolling through fan mail, when I heard a knock on the door. Niall came in with a cheeky smile holding bagels. "Yes finally, no hospital food!" I yelled with a smile. We started to dig into our food and talk. Niall was perfect, he really was. But the more and more I spent time with him I realized why I fell for him. Because he's just like Logan. And that's why Logan let me go. Not so I could fall for Niall, but fall for Harry. Logan wanted me to be not afraid to try something new, and as long as Niall was in my life I could never truly let go of Logan. Niall Horan is perfect, I repeated to myself. Just not perfect for me.

"So...Harry is flying home tommorow." Niall said while eating. My eyes widened as I felt myself choke on my food a little. He was leaving, back to Chesire. I'd...I'd never see him again. "Niall.." I began this time making sure he wouldn't cutt me off. "Niall I can't do this anymore." I said bluntly. Niall stopped chewing and just looked up into my eyes. Stay strong Tay, stay strong, I told myself. "I love you Niall. So much you don't even understand. But I'm not IN love with you. I'm so sorry." I sighed looking down at my gown. "You're in love with him aren't you?" he whispered and I nodded slowly. Niall sighed and got up from the bed pulling me up into a hug. I tried to speak but he just shushed me, holding me tightly. "I can't change the way you feel. And I'm sorry I wasn't good enough. I love you Taylor." he whispered into my ear. I felt my tears began to pour as I squeezed him back. I didn't have anything to say. I had chosen Harry. Now the only problem was...did Harry want me?

Niall left shortly after that, and the news leaked over twitter with in an hour. I was hoping Harry would see it, but it didn't look like he was on. Most people were glad I chose Harry while others were now sending me death threats for hurting Niall. The night approached quickly as I layed there in my hospital bed. I tossed and turned but I just couldn't fall asleep. Harry was leaving tommorow. And I had to stop him. Suddenly I had made a decision. I sat up and put on my slippers. I put a coat on over my gown and walked out the door. I kept my head down in the hallway so no one could see me. I quickly rushed to the elevator and shut the door. I was almost at the door. When I reached the lobby I acted like I was on my phone and quickly slipped out of the revolving doors. I looked to my left where many fans laied in sleeping bags.

All I wanted to do was go hug and kiss each and everyone of them, but I had to get my Harry back first. I started walking in the direction of the hotel. It was only a half a mile so I didn't mind the walk. Practically no one was on the streets but people in cars looked at me weirdly. I didn't know why until Iooked down and saw my hospital gown. I let a little giggle out and kept walking. I was getting closer to the hotel and that's when I began to get nervous. What would Harry say? Would he forgive me for kissing Niall? Could he even love me? But my thoughts were interrupted by a russle of leaves coming from a bush behind me. I whipped around to check if anyone was there, but there was no one. I simply ignored it and kept walking. It was then that I heard footsteps behind me. I slowly turned around but again, no one was there. Maybe I was even more nervous that I thought. I continued walking as I heard the footsteps become louder. I turned my head and this time I did see someone. A tall figure, too dark to see who was walking behind me. I quickly sped up my walking and so did the person behind me and shortly after I began to run. It wasn't long before my weak legs gave out and I had to slow down. I still heard the person behind me, obviously following me. I was only two blocks from the hotel now but I was irritated. I quickly turned around and stopped. "What do you want?" I yelled angrily. But as the person walked closer I began to regret turning around. The person was wearing gloves, had a mask on, and was holding a knife. I tried to scream but I blacked out the minute they threw the bag over my head.

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