8) The Fault in Our Stars

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A/N: another song which I've changed the meaning to fit my plot

Also!! Important!!! In this story, Dan harms himself and attempts suicide. He believes this will help but it's not the answer! If you're having these feelings please talk to someone! A counselor, an older sibling, a teacher, a parent, anyone. Never forget that someone out there cares about you! And it will get better I promise. If all else fails you can always talk to me. Believe it or not I have a bit of experience in this area and will do everything I can to help if you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent to. Stay strong guysss <3

Chapter Eight
-The Fault In Our Stars-

The peacefulness passed as he began to feel again. He was again connected to his body. He could feel the throbbing in his wrists. He could feel the pillow beneath his head. He could make out the faint beeping of a heart monitor. Dan realized that he was still here, still on Earth, alive. Damn.

Dan slowly opened his eyes. The bright lights temporarily blinded him. Why do they have such bright lights in hospitals anyways? The patients are usually unconscious at some point, so why would they want to wake up to lights shining right into their eyes? Dan felt horrible. He'd probably throw up later. Finally his eyes adjusted to the lighting.

In four words, Dan felt like shit. He was nauseous, his arms stung like hell and there was a deep dull ache in the cuts over his wrists. What had happened? All he remembered was going into that alleyway, slitting his wrists, and...right. "Phil," he mumbled. Phil must've brought him here.

A nurse who was writing on a clipboard noticed Dan had regained consciousness. "Hey," she greeted sweetly, "How're you feeling?"

"Phil?" was all he managed to ask croakily.

She smiled sweetly at him. "He saved your life," She told me, returning to her clipboard. "Would you like me to send him in?"

Dan nodded slowly.

The overly chipper nurse left the room. Soon she was back with Phil. His eyes landed on me and he smiled. He looked as shitty as Dan felt. He had bags beneath his eyes, tears on his cheeks. Fuck. Dan felt guilt roll over him in waves.

"You're alive," he whispered.

Dan smiled weakly. "All thanks to you, I hear."

The nurse smiled at the two of us before grabbing her clipboard. "I'll just leave you two to yourselves then." She exited the room.

Phil rushed over to Dan's bedside, kneeling beside it and taking his right hand between both of his own, and pushing Dan's hair back. "You're okay," he choked out. "Dan you...there was so much blood...I couldn't stop it, I...But you're okay!" he cried, squeezing my hand tightly.

"Why'd you...why'd you save me?" Dan had to ask. He was just a problem, just a complication to Phil's life. He could've died, and they both would've been free.

"Because you deserve to live, Dan," he whispered.

Dan shook his head, looking away. No he didn't. He didn't deserve to be alive. He didn't deserve to have Phil in his life. He didn't deserve anything but death.

"Dan, I...I may have only known you for like two months but I just can't picture my life without you now." Phil  said, "I know you just wanted us to have sex and nothing more, but I can't stop myself from caring about you, and you can't stop me trying to help you."

Dan was taken aback by his response. He didn't know he cared that much. Dan wasn't at all used to people caring about him this much.

"They told me that your chances were bad, Dan, but you pulled through," he explained, "Do you know what that means?"

My Happy Little Phil | Phan (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now