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Deja P.O.V
I let the music play as I got ready for this party. I haven't been to one in a while. I just wanted to have fun. And what was making me smile the most is knowing Durk going to be there. I know he not shit, I know he talk to plenty of girl, but its something about him. We don't date we just talk. I knew I had feelings for him when I was hurt after he texted me that's his baby. But I still liked him, and plus the baby already here. And me and Durk don't even date so I didn't really care. "Deja come on!" Lizzy yelled. I put my jewelry on and spayed some perfume on. Then I went to her. "Yesssss. You look mad cute." She smiled checking me out. I hugged her and the girls and then we went and said "later" to my mother and hopped in a cab. "You been dressing cuter and cuter Deja." Macy said. "No she just can dress her ass off." Lizzy said taking us some pictures. "We need fully body pictures." Denim said. "Exactly." Aliyah said. She some new girl we start hanging out with. I haven't been over here in about a month and a half so ima get investigated by the "cops" ima curse them out and then have fun. I thought to myself. I really just want to see Durk. I've been kind of keeping my distance since the baby thing but I already know once I see him im not going to be able to control it. We got out the cab and the "cops" was in the hall ways smoking and drinking. But I noticed Durk wasn't with them. What the hell I came for? I felt mad disappointed but I couldn't let it show. "You drinking?" Rex asked me. And I shook my head no. "Why not?" iinky asked. "Because I don't want to." I said. "Damn why you always have a attitude?" Lil Varney asked. "Why ya always questioning me down? I've been around for a while now. I'm not no one new." I said shaking my head. "Lizzy I'll meet you in the party." I said. "Yeah me too." Classy said going into the party with me while the other girls stayed to chat. "All them have a crush on you?" She asked. "I don't know but I don't care. They only want one thing and none of them ain't getting it." I said. And then somebody pulled me to dance with them. I start dancing getting crazy I came to have fun so I wasn't worried about nothing. I was dancing with everybody. "Damn shawty." I heard that familiar voice I was waiting for. "Shut up." I laughed at Durk. "Why you got them shorts on? You trynna have me fighting for you?" He asked pressed up against me in the party. "First of all back up." I push him a little. "Second of all, why would you be fighting? We friends." I smiled. "I think we a little more than friends. Don't you?" He held me about to kiss me but I got pulled away by Lizzy. She pulled me out the party all the way into the hallways. "Yo Lizzy is everything alright?" I asked. "I just found out Durk have a son. You can't talk to him. Hell no." She said. "Why? We just friends and its my choice of what ever happens." I said mad she was trying to tell me what to do. "Deja no. You going to be hurt and shit when he cheating with his baby mama and shit. I'm warning you now. Don't get caught up." She said. "Babe come here." Rondo said and Lizzy walked to them. I was in my feelings again. "Where you going? Not back in that party with out talking to me." Some boy grab my arm. Before I can say something Durk budge in. "Nah this my girl bro." He said pulling me away. "My fault homie. You know I'll never violate." The boy said and Durk nodded his head and we stood by the stairs. "You was about to talk to ole boy?" Durk asked. "Please. That's not even my style. I don't talk to various of people at once." I said feeling a little offended. "Oh thank God. Which mean you only talking to me." He smiled and I kept a straight face. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nah I feel like you just tried to play me." I said grabbing a bag and sitting on the stairs. "I won't play you. I don't really know you so I was just being curious. Trust me, it wasn't a diss." He said stroking the side of my face and Kevin texted me.
Kevin: Best friend you at that party? I'm about to pull up!
Me: Please do. I have to talk to you anyways.
Kevin: Okay Lol. I'm drunk.
Me: Oh Gosh! Lol
Kevin: Shut the fuck up I'm on my way.
Me: watch ya mouth kid.
Then Durk snatched my phone. "What are you doing?" I asked. "About to be nosey." He said scrolling up in my messages. "You didn't even ask me." I snatched my phone back. "Can I be nosey in ya phone?" He asked and I passed it to him. I always deletes my messages so he not looking for nothing really. We snapped a picture together. "Here." He passed my phone back. "Found what you was looking for?" I asked. "You been here the whole time. I found what I was looking for in this party." He licked his lips getting in my face and I put my hand over his face. "Chill Durk." I said blushing ode. "Why you keep dodging my kiss?" He asked a little surprised. "I already know ya style. You trying to get me in the loop with all of them other girls you be with. I mean yeah its cool us talking and chilling but all that kissing and stuff can wait for a relationship. Honestly." I said and the look on his face told it all. He knew I was on to him so he start laughing. "Not true." He said getting up and walking up. What the fuck? I didn't know what that walk away meant. So I waited for Kevin and we went in the party together.
"Yo bro I was trying to fuck Deja but she was on to me. I had to walk away from that like why we talking then?" I said to Dthang as I got ready to get Angelo. I really don't feel like doing this shit but ima check it out. If I vibe with it the world gonna know about me and my Jr. "Damn I thought you really liked her tho?" He questioned. "I don't know. She wanna take baby steps and I'm a grown ass man. She want me to be her and only her boyfriend. So ima just dub it. I'll probably talk to her here and there and then leave it like that." I said. "Nigga you better just be easy because you like that girl and just because she not rushing to fuck, you should make you want her more. Durk you act like you just got pussy. You can call any of your girls fuck them and make them leave and Deja is different. You dumb." He said and what he was saying was making hella sense. I haven't spoke to her since that little shit. Ima make something up and get her back in the loop. I called Nikki. "Hello?" She answered. "I'm on my way to your house." I said. "For what Durk?" She asked. "Because I'm coming to get him for the weekend." I said. "You coming to get Angelo because now you're ready to claim him? Yeah you bugged the fuck out I gave you a chance and you blew it. Stop it five." She said. "Bitch I'm not even in the mood to play with you have all his shit I need packed up." And I hung up. I laced my sneakers up and left out. Saying wussup to my niggas as I walk out side they questioned me asking "where I'm going?" I gave them no answer by saying "that's where." And I continued to walk. Nikki texted me.
Nikki: if you come to my door you going to make me call the cops on you.
Me: Do what you gotta do FAM.
Nikki: Please don't do it Durk. I don't wanna be the most hated on this block for getting you arrested.
Me: we gonna talk. I'm on my way to ya house now. I'm walking.
Nikki: I guess Durk.
I finally made it to her house and her door was opened. She know better. "Wussup?" I hugged her and sat on the couch. Lil homie was just grilling me. "So what we have to talk about?" I sat on the couch. "You, thinking just because you wanna participate in your son life now I'm going to let it happen you must be crazy." She said. "So when can I participate in his life?" I asked annoyed already. "Never. You blew your chance by denying my son." She rolled her eyes. "You don't deserve to have him either than! You kept him away from me for six months you stupid bitch!" I snatched him out her hands. "Durk I will call the cops on you for him. I probably won't for nothing else but that one I will. Try me." She grabbed the phone. "Do you. I don't give a fuck. I'm taking him." I said. "Durk you don't even know how to take care of babies. What you do something wrong and my child gets hurt?" She start to cry. "I was coming over here so you can teach me. But you wanna act like a bitch!" I yelled and Lil homie start crying. "Durk, you scaring my baby." Nikki went to reach for him and I moved her hands. I got the pacifier off the table and gave it to him. He hushed up. I rocked him but he was still whinny. "Let me make him a bottle." She said. "Hold him and tell me how to do it." I passed him to her and she told me how to make the bottle. He was going crazy seeing his bottle get made. After the temperature was good I start feeding him. "Do I have to burp him?" I asked. "No. He a big boy. He burps on his own." Nikki said packing the bag. Yeah she know wussup. "Make sure you put this on him because he was a rash on his butt." Nikki said. "Aight. How many hours apart do he eat?" I asked. "Two to three. It depends on his mood." She said. "Okay. And what else I need to know?" I asked. "Nothing. The basic shit like no edges, you have to carry him he don't crawl. Stuff like that." She said putting the baby bag in the back of his stroller. I put him to sleep and then put him in the stroller. "Durk please take care of my son? No smoking or none if that around him." She said damn near in tears pissing me off. "I'm not. If you get worried just call me. Only time I won't answer is if I'm sleeping, or doing something with him I promise to take care of him and answer your calls." I said and she nodded her head and gave the baby a kiss. "No outside late with my son." She pointed her finger in my face. "I'm not dumb." I said going down the stairs. "Take care my baby!" She yelled as I left the building. Bitch is mad annoying. I pushed him all the way to my building and Rex, iinky, Dthang, and Chino was outside. "Who that?" Chino asked. "My son." I said bringing him in my house my room was filthy. "Hold him out there while I clean my room up real quick." I said to Dthang. "I got you bro." He said proud to see me stepping up. I cleaned the room mad fast. And I put new sheets and a new cover. Then I laid his cover down and once I laid him down he woke up. "Wussup?" I sat him up and he was just looking around. "Durk that's really ya son bro." Rex said staring at him. "I took a DNA test and all that. I still got that shit." I said holding his heavy ass. "No bitch gonna be on ya dick now. You gonna be tight. Stuck with Nikki." iinky laughed. "Not even. Bitches love niggas who actually take care of they kids." I said and that reminded me to text Deja. I took a selfie of us and sent it to her to check her vibe with me.
Me: I went and got him.
Deja: Oh that's wassup. I'm proud of you because honestly I thought you wasn't going to do it.
Me: Me either thanks to you.
Deja: Lol you're welcome if you saying thank you.
Me: I am.
Deja: I just want to know one thing.
Me: Talk to me.
Deja: You stopped talking to me because I'm not fast? Or because you felt played or what?
Me: Honestly because you not fast but then I thought about it. That's even better for the both of us. I would never have to worry about you doing shit with nobody, you wild loyal so it would be an easy relationship. I was drunk and was thinking with my stick and not my brain
Deja: That's all I wanted to know.
Me: you done talking to me?
Deja: If that's what you want.
Me: Nah you know that's not what I want what I want is for you to be my girlfriend.
Deja: I told you wassup with that. Finish your little relationships with them and then we can talk business
Me: Lol I be right back
Deja: Okay by the way he is handsome.
Me: He get it from his daddy!
"Damn who blowing you up like that?" Rex asked. "My secret." I smiled sitting Angelo to the side and he sat up. "We gonna have fun with him. First baby in the hood and shit. Its lit." Rex said. "He gonna be here majority of the time?" Chino asked. "Until he know me well enough." I said. "I need a blunt." Rex said. And they all followed him. I was with Angelo. I passed him my remote controller and he start playing with it biting it. "No, don't bite it." I said stopping him. He start poppin mad shit in baby language. My mother came in the room. "Oh yeah, I forgot you was going to get him today." She said sitting on my bed. "That's your grandma." I said and he just looked at my moms and back at the remote. "He look like you Durk. You have to take him to see your father." My mother said rubbing his head. "Yeah I know but first I want to vibe with him." I said. And she nodded just staring at him. Then Tania came in the room. "Oh My goodness you so handsome." She picked him up off my stomach. "He look just like you Durk." Tania said snapping pictures. "Don't post none of that on Facebook. Dubb." I said and she gave me this look. "Why? You got him here so you obviously jacking him." She rolled her eyes. "So what! That's what I wanna do! Don't post no pictures simple, you gonna Fuck my shit up." I said taking Angelo back. She left out the room and I didn't give two flying fucks. "She just happy Durk. Don't be so hard on her kid." My moms said. "I have too many girls ma. They not ready to hear oh I got a baby." I said picking Angelo up. "What's his name again?" My mother asked. "Angelo." I took him to the kitchen and I start preparing his bottle. He start reaching for it and shit. "Calm down." I said sitting him on the floor and he start screaming. "Alright alright. Calm down." I picked him up and start making his bottle. I shook it up forgetting to tightly twist it and it came on the both of us. He start crying again. "Yo ma!" I yelled and here she came rushing and then start laughing. "Take him. He blowing mines." I said passing him off and re making his bottle. I passed it to her and she passed me both of them and I laughed. "Damn, can I clean off?" I laughed and we went to my room. He was holding his own bottle laying down while I cleaned my face and shit. And Special came in my room. "Who baby?" She asked looking at me. "Thats who." I said laughing. "Durk, that's your baby?" She put her hand over her mouth. "I was just surprised as you." I said and she left out the house. So I texted her.
Me: I would've chased you but I know how you feel bae.
Special: How could you do me like this?
Me: Instead of running out you should've spoke to me. This is all new to me. And new to us. But fuck it.
Special: I'm on my way back so we can talk.
Me: Okay.
I start thinking about a nickname for my young boy and I figured Lo Lo would be good for him. He climbed on me. "Wussup Lil homie?" I held him. He was just doing bullshit and Nikki called me. "Yo?" I answered. "What he doing?" She asked. "Nothing. On his bully." I said. "He good?" She asked. "Yeah." I said. We spoke a little more and hung up. Its time to man up.
Lil Durk: With My Lil Homie❤ #myson #babydurk

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