Part 9

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Felix p.o.v
Fuck, why the hell did I said to him that he is handsome? I know it's the truth, but he said he is in love with a boy. His friend and probably also my friend. It doesn't even look like he got the message from me where I told him that I'm in love with him. Why didn't he read it? Or did he think that I was joking? Is this over and out for me? He is in love with someone else who is not me.

"What did you say?" He asked again and I slowly turned around. Please don't be mad. Please don't kill me. Please don't be mad. Please don't kill me. Was everything I could think of when I slowly turned around. My hands was all sweaty and I wish I just could die right now. "Uhm..." he got a little kind of smile on his lips "What?" I said when I understood that he actually was smiling "Did you just call me handsome?" I slowly nodded "Does it mean something or was it just something you said?" I looked down on my feets and start to rub my teeth "I'm in love with you Oscar." I mumbled so I couldn't even heard it myself.

He quickly stood up and started to walk over to me. I am so scared. What is he going to do with me? "What did you say?" He walked slowly near me, I bit my underlip and backed until I crashed into the wall, he still walked over to me with a little smile "Tell me." He whispered into my ear "I....I..I'm in with you Oscar." I almost whispered. He looked almost in chock at me and lift his hand. Is he going to slap me? No he won't?! Oscar never slap anyone! He is not that type of human. This can't happend? I close my eyes hard and could feel my tears build up. He can't. He won't.

I was prepared for the worst, but instead he grabbed my face with the hand and kissed me. I open my eyes in chock but closed them again to kiss him back. I lay my hands around him and enjoyed it. Is this really happening? This can't be true? Is he going to leave me again? What am I going to do if that happend? He slowly backed away and I looked into his beautiful blue eyes "I'm in love with you too Felix." He whispered and kissed me again. I staten to smile inside the kiss, is this really happening? I backed from the kiss "Are you in love with me?" A slowly red color started to grow in hos face before he slowly nodded "Oh Oscar." I smiled and hugged him tight. This is the best day in my life.

We lay on Oscar's bed under his blanket in just jeans because it's so hot under the blanket. I lay in his arms and played with his fingers "How long have you benig you love with me?" I looked up at him "Oh gosh. Let us just say that I can't remember the day I wasn't in love with you. You have always had a special place in my heart." He smiled "How long have you being in love with me?" He looked down at me. I don't know. Maybe a half year. Not sure." I nodded "And you are sure you already want this?" He sat up and looked down at me "Felix, you make me feel in a way no one else can. After that kiss I was sure about that you are the one and only for me. I love being around you and I have wanted to kiss you each time I saw you." I blushed "I'm happy that you feel it like that." He smiled and kissed me.

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