Day 2

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Warrior had passed out. Kitty was sitting beside him. He woke up. "W-w-whats that figure?" Warrior asked. "I," the voice began. "I, am Mikisuka." Miki was yellow from head to toe, with a few brown stripes here and there. "But why so yellow? It hurts both of our eyes." Kitty asked. "Pika pika......." Miki said mysteriously, as she backed into the shadows. "Miki, stop. This is hard for both of us. Mostly Warrior." Kitty stated. Miki shook her head. She pulled out a sword in both hands. "Iron. Good choice. But not as good as DIAMOND!" Kitty said as she pulled out two diamond swords. "So be it." Miki said. They battled. Kitty almost stabbed Miki with one of the blades, but failed. Miki jumped up as Kitty stabbed at her feet. Miki and Kitty managed to hit each other at the same time. They fell across from each other. "That. That was a good battle......" Miki said. Kitty rubbed her head. The damage from colliding into each other had injured both of them from chest to leg. Warrior wobbled as he managed to run to Kitty. He sat down. "Kitty," he said. "Are you OK? Are you hurt?" "Yeah. I'm fine." "Good. I'd never want anything bad to happen to you."

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