Day 3

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Warrior went outside. He saw a black rabbit and a white horse. He went back inside to grab two leads, some hay, carrots, a saddle, and two name tags. He fed a carrot to he rabbit, gave the hay to the horse, put the saddle on the horse, and put both of them on leads. "Hey, Miki, can you put down some fences?" Warrior asked. Miki put down two acacia wood fences. Warrior tied the leads to the fence. He renamed the name tags. "You will be called Fluffy, and you will be Blackhole." Warrior said as he put the name tags on the two animals. He saw Kitty mining in a deep, deep staircase. "Hey, Kitty! What are you mining right now?!" he yelled down the hole. "I'm mining redstone and lapis lazuli!" she yelled up the hole. Warrior dumped a bucket of water down the hole, and put a written book down it. Pop! He scooped up the bucket again.
Kitty received the book. She opened it up. It said, "Hey, Kitty! Sorry I couldn't tell you this, but I was thinking bout' something! Maybe, if you like it down there, I could send you the stuff in your room, and you could live down there! We could talk to each other the same way I sent this book! Bye, Kitty! From, Warrior123" She smiled. "Yeah, sure! Send my stuff! Send me feathers, ink sacs, an books please!" she yelled up the stairs. She took her pickaxe and mined out the shape of a room, walled it with acacia, and floored it with dark oak. Warrior dumped a bucket, Kitty mined a hole for the water to stay, and Warrior dumped down all of Kitty's stuff. "Thanks, Warrior!" she yelled up the hole. But how am I going to send him stuff? Mailbox? Yell to him? Kitty thought. She made a hole that went straight up to the surface, and out ladders on it. Kitty crafted a book and quill, and sent it to Warrior. "Hello Warrior! I'm loving it down here! The look is like my room, acacia wood walls, and dark oak floors! Visit me sometime! I miss you! From, KittyCatNekoLove." "Aww." Warrior said. "Thanks. I love you too!" he yelled down the hole.

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