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Toothpaste, check.
Deodorant, check.
Hoodie, check.
Sneakers, check.
Lucky underwear, check.
Wallet, check.

"Fellows, you nearly done?" Henry asked from the doorway.

"Yeah, I'm coming now," I said, grabbing my duffel bag. Before leaving, I went to the backyard to say goodbye to my parents

The Fellows' garden was unlike no other. It was a lovely garden, always pristine and free of weeds. The grass was mowed perfectly, the shrubs were nicely trimmed, and the flowers seemed to constantly be in full bloom. There was an array of herbs and some fruits and vegetables. I glanced at the grass; luscious as ever. I've always loved lying down on it, my outdoor cushion. I don't think I have a single memory of this garden ever being bare and I'd like to keep it that way.

"We're going now," I stated, staring straight at the two figures working away with their matching overalls and garden hats. I huffed a little laugh, remembering how Eli used to call them her relationship goals, sans the gardening of course. Eli didn't exactly have a green thumb.

My parents stood from their crouched positions upon hearing my voice. Dad quickly put down the garden scissors whilst Mom gingerly removed her pink garden gloves. Their faces were flushed from exertion, but they were beaming at me nonetheless.

"You boys have fun," said my mother, kissing me on the cheek before giving me a tight embrace. "If there's ever an emergency, don't hesitate to call us, Charlie."

"I know, Mom."

"I love you," she added with a smile, her hand resting on my arm.

"Love you too, Mom," I said, grinning as I looked down at her. I had her eyes, amber with traces of brown, and maple brown hair. She was beautiful, my mother; a ray of sunshine in the middle of a storm.

"Don't do anything stupid, son," said Dad, always the optimist. He'd given Cindy her sandy mane and grey eyes, but in many ways, she took after him a lot; her obsession with Top Gun and ability to keep things utterly messy, to name a couple.

"I won't," I answered with a quick nod of my head. He gave me a hug before patting me lightly on the back.

"Your mother and I love you very much, Charlie. You boys have fun. Look after yourselves, alright?"

"Of course, Dad. I'll see you both in a week and a bit," I said and then left.

I found Hector sitting behind the wheel, Henry in the passenger seat. I shoved my bag in the trunk and hopped on the back seat beside Drew. Vanderwall wasn't going because he didn't want to move to California for college, so he didn't see the point of going on college visits there. I think he was more interested in moving to the east side of the country if he were to relocate at all.

Arctic Monkeys bled through the speakers as I buckled up. It didn't take long before I found myself humming  along to the song. Two songs in, my phone vibrated in my pocket.

From Cindy:
Don't die. We'll see you tomorrow big bro :)

I smiled, fully aware that she was referring to herself and Elouise when she said the word 'we'.

To Cindy:
I'll do my best, sis. Take care of Eli while I'm gone

It took her less than a minute to respond.

To Love A Stranger // Young Love Book 2Where stories live. Discover now