Chapter 1: the beginning of my story

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  • Dedicated to Mrs. Charles (RIP)

       If you would have seen me five years ago you wouldn't believe where I am today. That's mainly because I didn't work for the best vampire hunting service in the United States of America five years ago. Let me start at the beginning, well the beginning of me knowing they existed. 

        It all starts when I was thirteen, when I found out about vampires. I had just moved to a fresh town a fresh start, well I thought. I did a lot of hunting before my parents spilt up, but thanks to my step dad, I did some more hunting (so I was good with a gun) then school started after winter break. At the new school it seemed like every one wanted to be my friend, especially Sarah.

         "Hey, Dylan," which is my name. "How's your first couple of days?" Sarah said to me.

          "Good, how's your day going?" I replied.

         "Good, what's wrong?" she asks.                                                                        

          "I don't know I just have a weird vibe about this place." I said.

          "Well, it is only your second day." she said, "Don't freak there's nothing wrong with this place."

          "OK, thanks," because that really calmed me down.

      After about a week I noticed people looking at me, like I was a piece of cake to a fat kid. So, I started to feel like a walking candy bar. One time, in algebra I notice the kid sitting behind me was licking his lips and drooling. Then on the bus, when I got off, the majority of the bus seemed to write down something but I couldn't read it because it was in Roman.  Although this one time was the weirdest.       

         I was just sitting being board sitting in history and this hot chick was really hitting on me. Then she complemented on something weird. She said that it was really hot when the veins on my neck popped out when I laugh. That made me scared so I stopped talking to her and waited for the bell to ring.

           After about a month I've gotten into three fights, seven detentions, and I broke my arm. That's mainly because everyone started to hate me, well except for Sarah. She had been on vacation and didn't know I broke my arm. Then she came back.

        "Oh my gosh," she said, she seemed to be worried, “What happened to your arm!?!"

        "This kid pushed me down the stairs, and then the principal didn't believe me, so the kid didn't get in trouble." I said.

        "Oh, don't worry I'll get rid of that jerk, describe him to me," she said.

        Then I smiled and described him to her, "he has black hair, dark brown eyes, and he had sun glasses and a green and black hooded jacket." 

        "Oh, that's Richard I'll get rid of him," she said.       

         "Thanks," I was happy because Richard would get what he deserved.     

          Then after a couple of weeks my cast came off and I and spring break was right around the corner. I would walk into homeroom and I'd hear a bunch of them talking but it was in Roman. Then I decided to try to learn Roman but I couldn't find any tutors, or any Roman to English dictionary.

            Then one day I walked into school and every one was crying. I felt sad just not knowing what happened. Then I found Sarah and asked her what was going on. It turns out our science teacher, Mrs. Salvia, died last night. Then I saw through my tear filled eyes Sarah and she ran up to me and started talking to me.  

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