Chapter 2: the summer of my life

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                             I was reading over the agreement and it's true, over spring, summer, Thanks Giving, and winter break they can kill me if they were driven to it. Then Sarah explained every thing about vampires to me. They can walk in the sun, but it annoys them, they can run really fast, there also strong, and agile. Also if kiss one you become fast, strong, smart and agile, which explains what happened at the dance. Also if they drink blood they become more vibrant and strong, and also fire or extreme heat weakens them. Plus they can speak Roman if need be.

                            Summer was right around the corner and knowing what I know I'm scared, but never the less I was going to enjoy my summer. On the last day of school they talking but in Roman, I still under stood none of it. I met for Sarah and we got our summer plans together.

                            "Your going to the camp right?" I was full of excitement when I asked Sarah. 

                            "Yeah, but I'll be at the girls side of the lake," she said.

                            "That's worth a swim," I said cunningly.

                            Then the end of day came and everyone started counting down, "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, SCHOOL'S OUT!" and every one ran out like crazy. Then I said by to Sarah and got on my bus and my summer had started when I got home.   

                           When I got home it was a week until the trip. Then a whole month at camp, then all July at the beach. So I called up Sarah to talk to her.

                            "Hey Sarah, what you doing?"

                            "Hey Dylan, nothing much, what about you?"

                            "Making a list for camp."

                            "Cool, can you copy it and send a it to me?"

                            "Sure no problem."

                            So I ran into my parent's room and made a copy of my list. The list was simple:

                            WEEKS WORTH OF CLOTHES (we are washing over weekends)

                            RAIN COAT/BOOTS

                            SLEEPING BAG, BLANKET, AND PILLOW

                            FLASH LIGHT, AND EXTRA BATTERIES

                            HAT, AND SUNGLASSES

                            BATHROOM UTILITIES (i.e. soap,shampoo)

                            I had this but cut it off when I sent it to Sarah.

                            WOODEN STAKES


                            HOLY WATER 

                            UV FLASH LIGHTS

                            So after a week of having vampires circling my house it was time for camp. I grabbed my bags and I got in my mom's car and it was of to the camp drop-off. It was just were they took our bags and loaded us onto the bus to go to the camp. Sarah was on a different bus and she had a twin sister Zorah. Then after a long bus ride we were at the camp. 

                            "Hey," Sarah said sweetly.

                            "Hi," Zorah said firmly.

                            "Hey, Sarah, Zorah," I said.

                            "Well we got to go to the girl's camp, so by," Sarah said.

                            "OK, by," I said.

                            They loaded onto a bus and drove around the lake. Well, there I stood alone with a bus full of vampires lurking around me probably smelling the fear.  Also with no help, only the tools in my bag, and they’re all the way at the bottom. Then I hear, “Vacs, Vest, Willow, Wilson, Zagreb, and Zest, report.” All what that means is I have to go see what’s going on, because my last name is Willow. All it was, was that they were putting us into a group together. 

                              On the first day we set up tents and we decided where we would sleep. I then took a thirty minute nap, and when I woke up surrounded my by vampires. We all went to dinner, man was the food better than school food.  Then after dinner we went back to  the camp, and we roasted marshmallows. The next day was when the fun really started. 

                               At orientation they gave us a schedule. That thing was jammed:sports, aquatics, climbing, rifle range, ancient weapons range, and outdoor skills. Sports was mainly just football, ultimate frisbee, and dodge ball. Aquatics was just swimming, and cannoning. Climbing is sort of self explanatory, so is the rifle range. The ancient weapons range is mainly bows, knives, and axes. Outdoor skills is tieing knots and first aid. 

                               Everything was good untill lunch. Ever since I could I remember I was allergic to brown sugar and at lunch they where serving apple pie and I love apple pie.  I was eating apple pie and I started cough and feel the swelling.

                                "Kid are you OK?" asked my camp cousiler.

                                 "No, I'm allergic to brown sugar," I replied. 

                                 "Do you have an Epi-pen?" he asked.

                                 "Yes, it's at my tent lets go," I said, and we were off.

                                 After I got my Epi-pen I was rushed to the helth tent and passed out.

                                 "Dylan, Dylan?" I heard fantly as I faded back into conciesness. Then I woke up to a doctor and Sarah " You OK?" Sarah asked.

                                  "Yes, just a little croggy," I said. Then after camp was over and I almost died I spent the next month at the beach where yet again I almost died.Well then school stated back and even though I didn't like it I was back where the vampires can't kill me.                                

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2011 ⏰

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