Welcome to the fold

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Over the next few days, Scourge never strayed far from the medicine den, although there was nothing preventing him from exploring the camp. Obviously wary of the newcomer in their midst, the forest cats watched the young tom from a distance.
However despite the fact that the rest of ThunderClan were unsure what to think of him, Bluefur and Whitekit often made visits to check up on his health and Scourge quickly formed an attachment toward the blue furred she cat and the bouncy white kitten.
Five days had passed since Scourge had arrived at the camp when Bluefur and Whitekit both entered the medicine den. There was a general feel if excitement buzzing in the air which even a relative outsider such as Scourge could easily detect.
" What's going on?" He asked Bluefur. Smiling warmly, Bluefur bent down and licked him between the ears.
"The clan are getting ready for an apprentice ceremony." She mewed, "It is a very important event in a young cat's life. You and Whitekit will be taking on your apprentice names as well as being given mentors who will teach you in the way of the warriors."
"Bluefur!" Called a voice form outside,"May I borrow you for a hunting patrol."
"Coming Thrushpelt," she replied. Bluefur gave Scourge one last lick between the ears and then rushed off to join a sandy grey tom outside the den. Left alone with the younger cat, Scourge turned to Whitekit.
" I like Bluefur," he purred, "Your mother is really nice."
However to the great surprise of Scourge, Whitekit said nothing but buried his face in his paws and wept silent tears. Confused, Scourge wondered if he had done anything wrong to offend Whitekit. Was it possible that Whitekit didn't believe Bluefur was a good mother and if so why. Having seen the incident, Featherwhisker leaned forward and whispered into the black tom's ear.
" Whitekit's mother Snowfur died when he was very young. Bluefur is his aunt and has been trying to look after him but the little fluff ball still misses Snowfur greatly."
Sudden realisation hit Scourge like a thunder bolt and a wave of sympathy flooded him. Gently, he curled up beside Whitekit, who had lost all composure of happiness, and began to groom his fur comfortingly.
" I'm sorry," he mewed quietly.
Was this what it was like to be part of a clan , thought Scourge as he finished sharing tongues with Whitekit. To share every bit of pain they did. To comfort them in times of hardship and to have them look out for you when you needed it. Perhaps there was more to the warrior clans than the stories of vicious, bloodthirsty, feral cats who lived only to battle lime in the stories told to him as a kit by his mother Quince. Whatever it was, Scourge liked it.
For the most part the rest if the day passed without event until the sun began to set and there was suddenly a general hubbub around the great stone which stood in the centre of the clearing. Gathering around the ancient rock which had stood there since long before the clans, the warriors of ThunderClan sat in a semi circle as theyes awaited the arrival of Sunstar. Slowly and silently padding out to the back of the circle, Scourge sat beside Whitekit as the majestic leader of ThunderClan took his pride of place atop the highrock.
"Through naming new apprentices," Sunstar called out in a voice that suited his regal posture, "We ensure the future of ThunderClan and pass on the warrior code. Whitekit step forward."
Scourge watched as Whitekit swallowed nervously and padded through the crowd of cats to take a seat at the bottom of highrock. Murmuring amongst themselves, the warriors watched and waited to see who would mentor the white tom.
" Scourge step forward."
Dread suddenly gripped Scourge as one by one the faces swung around to face him. Many eyes, some warm others icy, watched as the crowd parted and allowed him to pass through. Trembling as he walked forward to join Whitekit, Scourge noticed Bluefur watching him warmly from the sidelines.
" Whitekit. Scourge. Do you promise to follow and uphold the warrior code and defend this clan even at cost of turned own life."
"I do, " Whitekit mewed and Scourge followed his example.
" Then," smiled Sunstar, "Until you have earned your warrior names, you shall be known as White paw and Scourgepa...."
" Wait!" Blurred out Scourge, immediately regretting his decision as all the cats stopped and stared at him. Abashed he shrunk to his knees.
"Yes," enquired Sunstar quizzically.
" I wish to keep my name." Stuttered Scourge, "To remind me of my.mother who gave it to me."
"Yes can't be serious Sunstar," growled Thistleclaw, " First this kittypet joins us but he won't follow our ways. He is not worthy to be a clan warrior."
"If I remember correctly Thistleclaw," replied Sunstar, " Scourge here had enough courage to stand up to your apprentice and two other cats. When did names mean more than deed. " he then urn ed back to Scourge. " If this is your wish then you may remain Scourge. Whitepaw shall be mentored by Thrushpelt. "
Cheers erupted from the gathered cats as Whitepaw went over to Thrushpelt and licked his shoulder while the older tom rested his head on that of the apprentice. Scourge smile and cheered Whitepaw's name along with the other cats before falling silent as he waited to be given his own mentor.
" Bluefur, you are ready for an apprentice. You shall mentor Scourge."
Scourge's heart soared as he heard Sunstar speak these words and Bluestar pad over to him. Even if the cheers of his name were a little half heartedly in comparison to that of Whitepaw, Scourge felt nothing could bring him down as he licked Bluefur's shoulder as he had seen Whitepaw do.
"I will not fail you," he promsised her quietly.
"I know you won't," purred Bluefur, "Now off to the apprentice den, we can start training in the morning."
"Yes Bluefur," smiled Scourge before bounding away in the direction of the apprentice den. Any feeling Scourge had of happiness however, was instantly shattered when a large, looming shape snarled and barred his entrance to the den.
"You don't belong here Kittypet!" Snarled Tigerpaw baring his fangs while lashing his tail. Very large for for his age, Tigerpaw towered of the tiny black figure of Scourge. Burning with fury, the tabby's eyes bore down into Scourge's soul sapping his courage. " Get lost scrap."
"Leave him alone," growled Whitepaw rushing beside Scourge, "Scourge has just as much right to be here as you."
" We will see," snorted Tigerstar turning to leave but before he did he then growled directly into Scourge's ear. " You won't always have Whitepaw to save time flea bitten pelt and when that day comes, watch out! I don't care what Sunstar calls you, yum will always be a worthless kittypet to me." He then slunk into the shadows of the den.
"Ignore him," Whitepaw tried to reassure Scourge, "He is just bitter that you didn't run from him. Besides there is nothing Tigerpaw can really do to cause you any real harm."
But as he followed his friend inside, Scourge couldn't help but keep thinking about Tigerpaw's words and he had no doubt that if he wanted, the tabby apprentice could make his life a misery as his siblings had already done.
"No," he thought, "I won't let anyone drive me from this home." And with that he curled up and let the darkness of sleep consume him.

The Scourge of BloodClan (Warrior Cats)Where stories live. Discover now