Border disaster

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Tapping his foot impatiently, Scourge growled to himself as he awaited the arrival of Bluefur. It was time for a border patrol and frankly, Bluefur seemed to be taking too long to get ready. Seeing his mentor pad out of the medicine den  however, Scourge's stomach  briefly surged. Had she been hurt? She bore no signs of physical injury but her thoughts appeared to be occupied nonetheless.
"Is everyone ready?" She mewed looking Scourge, Thistleclaw, Tigerpaw and the warrior Scourge thought was appropriately named Fuzzypelt.
" What took you so long?" Snapped Thistleclaw impatiently as his claws tore up the ground in front of him, making Scourge wonder on earth that his violent and fiery tempered individual  could even be related to Whitepaw.
"If you must know," Bluefur replied trying to remain calm, "I was checking in Tawnyspots."
At this Thistleclaw immediately shut up. Scourge didn't know much about the ThunderClan deputy other than that he was gravely ill and rarely left the medicine den. Perhaps Sunstar needed to appoint a new deputy. 
"Let's just get  moving, " Bluefur mewed before padding off. Following in behind her, Scourge walked alongside the patrol as they weaved through the thick forest flora. Drifting on the breeze, the enticing scent of prey started to make Scourge's mouth water as he imagined sinking his fangs into a fat juicy mouse. Snapping out of it, Scourge mentally scolded himself as he remembered that this was a border and not a hunting  patrol. However it was doubtful that anyone else noticed, Bluefur, Tigerpaw and Thistleclaw were busy scanning the area while Fuzzypelt seemed to be thinking along the same lines as Scourge judging from the way he was hungrily licking his chops.
Only a few minutes passed but the terrain was slowly becoming more open. Sucking  at their paws, the mud grasped at the patrol as they trudged through it. The roar of monsters on the nearby Thunderpath echoed through the  otherwise still air. However perhaps most offensive was the foil smell of smoke and carrion that assaulted Scourge's nostrils.
"How can ShadowClan live in such a horrible place," he muttered, wrinkling his nose at the putrid stench.
"Perhaps they. ...." Bluefur stopped mid sentence and dropped to a combat same,  her ears twitching as she sought to pick up. Exploding out of a bush with a fearsome yowl, several ShadowClan cats leapt at the ThunderClan patrol.
" Ambush!" yelled Thistleclaw as he dived a swipe from one of the assailants.
As the melee swirled around him, Scourge's heart pounded. Blood roaring in his ears, Scourge narrowly avoided a scratch to the shoulder as a large brown tabby came hurtling towards him. Hissing, Scourge slashed at the tom, his claws brushing through his fur as the tom shifted his well.
" Why if it isn't the kittypet," sneered the tom darkly, "Go home and let the real warriors deal of with this! " I am a real warrior" Scourge yowled leaping at the tabby,  his anger getting the better on him. Swatting him to the ground as though he were merely a troublesome gnat, the tabby pinned Scourge under his paw.
" Somehow I doubt that Whelp," he smirked. Struggling underneath, Scourge hissed, swiping repeatedly at the ShadowClan warrior, only to have the arrogant cat dodge with ease. However while focusing the full extent of his sadism upon Scourge, the tom had forgotten about the battle at hand and was only reminded when Bluefur crashed into him with the force of an angry badger, sending him flying off of Scourge.
"Thanks," Scourge mewed springing to his feet. 
"We're  surrounded!" Bluefur yowled as she engaged a tortoiseshell, "We need reinforcements. Tigerpaw,  run back to camp for help!"
"Why me?" Tigerpaw grumbled as he fending off another apprentice.
" I can't believe In saying this but do as Bluefur tells you," snapped Thistleclaw as he grappled with the ShadowClan deputy, Raggedpelt. 
Grumbling and muttering, Tigerpaw disengaged and disappeared into the brush. Barely had Tigerpaw's opponent recovered then had Scourge leapt at her.
Slashing wildly, Scourge raked his claws through the young cats pelt, drawing fresh blood. Hissing on pain, the apprentice attempted another swipe only to be clawed again. Eyes blazing in anger, the apprentice glared at Scourge before fleeing the battle. 
Only having a split second to revel in his victory, Scourge was again thrust into  combat as two warriors charged him. Scourge hissed at the two cats but they certainly on unfazed. Claws whistling through the air, one of the  two cats, another tabby, scratched Scourge's nose while the other,  a pure grey tom, shoved the  diminutive tom into a tree.
Battered but defiant, Scourge hissed as he tried to both stop the world spinning around him. Raising a claw, Scourge tried to attack the grey tom only to be brutally kicked back into the bark of the tree.
"Pathetic even for a weak kittypet like you," laughed the grey tom.
"I've seen fiercer mice," snickered the tabby she cat, "Go home Runt !"
But Scourge was deaf to these words. Within his mind, a dark storm was starting to gather. They were mocking him and if they weren't prepared to give him respect, then he would simply take it. By force!
"I'm not weak," he muttered, "I'm not helpless."
"What was that kittypet," sneered the tom sharpening his claws in a flint beneath his paw.
"I am not a weak and I'm not helpless," growled Scourge, "And the name is Scourge!!" 
Faster than the blink of an eye, Scourge lashed out with his claws fully unsheathed. Snarling,  Scourge slashed at the tom's neck, blinking only to shield his eyes from the arterial fountain that sprayed over him. Choking,  coughing, spluttering, the tom's flanks heaved violently as they fought to kept him alive. But it was futile. Flopping  lifelessly onto the ground, the tom's body shuddered one last time and then went still. 
Panting as the adrenaline  edged off slightly, Scourge looked up to find the battlefield as silent as a grave. Horrified the ShadowClan cats let ot a pathetic mournful wail as they stared at the limp body. Lying down beside her fallen comrade, the tabby she cat began to lick him as though she hoped to revive him that way. 
Glancing at the ThunderClan cats beginning to enter the clearing, Scourge found equal shock and surprise in their faces. Bluefur's face was filled with worry while Thistleclaw's usual air of disdain was replaced by one of a calm respect. 
" Retreat !" Yowled Raggedpelt fleeing across the Thunderpath. Stopping only to grab the tom's body, the ShadowClan warriors retreated, casting evil glares at the ThunderClan cats,  Scourge in particular. Only once they had disappeared did Scourge look at his claws. Dripping with gore, Scourge went pale inside and hurriedly began to wash the blood off. 
"Scourge...?" Bluefur's gentle mew came from beside him. " Are you okay? " For a moment the words washed over Scourge as though he had not heard them.
" I...I just need sometime alone..." he sighed, not able to to bring himself to look at her.
" I understand, " replied Bluefur giving him a quick lick on the shoulder, "But don't blame yourself. You needed to defend yourself."
"But did I need to use such force?" Scourge thought to himself as Bluefur padded away. But to his surprise one cat stopped just before him. 
" I must admit I'm impressed kittypet," said Thistleclaw, "Perhaps I underestimated you. You're a real killer."
Biting back a reply as Thistleclaw  walked away, Scourge could only watch as his turbed to turmoil. Is this what Goosefeather's prophecy meant? Would Scourge become little more than a cold murderer? Bluefur had told him that a warrior should only kill if necessary. He had been backed into a corner and had felt that killing would be  the best way out. But did he do it for self defense or out of anger? Scourge was afraid to answer.
Shaking the thoughts out of his head, Scourge  was about to pad away when his noticed something gleaming in the muddy grass. Bending down, Scourge  discovered to his atonishment that it was a fang he had knocked out of the gray tom. Looking at the sharp edge then at the purple collar that adorned his neck, Scourge thought of something. 
Grabbing the tooth between his teeth, Scourge  stabbed it violently through the collar, hoping that with enough force that he could cut through the cursed band. But as he pushed, the tooth suddenly lodged fast into he collar and wouldn't move. Scourge growled in frustration.
"Just great," he hissed in annoyance. Glancing at the collar again however, Scourge had to admit that the fang gave him  a somewhat fearsome appearance. As he did however, Thistleclaw's cold words echoed through his mind.
" You're a real killer."
Shivering at this, Scourge turned tail and ran back to camp, the events of the battle haunting his thoughts.

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