A Siblings Theory Of Happiness

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Again those years run on by

My mind filling up with only family

"Ayano now's your big sister everyone

so try to get along with her for me please"

InuYasha at the age of five and Sesshomaru at the age of nine were being raised by their father, who was a full demon. InuYashas mother was a human, so he was only half-demon. Sesshomaru though, was a full demon because his mother was a demon as well, like his father. To try and raise his children to be strong and fight well, their father had taken them away from their mothers to be raised and trained just as he was. One day however, as the three were traveling down a dirt path together, they found a girl on the side of the path. She was beaten up, bloodied, bruised, and unconscious, obviously attacked by something, which the father assumed was a demon. Upon further inspection, the girl was identified as a human. At this, Sesshomaru lost all interest in her and wanted to continue on down the path. InuYasha felt different though. He wanted to help her, having a tiny soft spot for humans because of his mother. He convinced his father to help the girl. The father carried the injured girl till they came to a human village. There they made sure the girl received the treatment she needed. The girl ended up waking up and explained she had no family or home, that she was an orphan. She also said she had been traveling on her own, trying to find a place she could live, when she was indeed attacked by a demon. She thanked the demonic family for saving her and then asked if she could travel with them to the next village, believing it would be safer for her. The father was reluctant, but eventually caved and allowed her to travel with them.

The next village was far away, so they would be traveling together for a long time till they reached it. In that time, the father learned that the girl did not have a name, and was given one. The father suggested Ren, but she didn't like it. InuYasha suggested Ryuko, but she also didn't like. Names kept being suggested between the three, untill Sesshomaru grew annoyed and made his suggestion. It was supposed to be a joke, his tone saying he wanted them to shut up and let her pick her own already. Ironically, the name he jokingly suggested, (Y/N), was one that the girl actually liked. She smiled widely and replied that she liked his suggestion, and wanted that as her name. Sesshomaru was shocked none-the-less, but shrugged and acted like he honestly didn't care.

The father also learned that even though she was small framed, she was older than his two boys, two years from Sesshomaru and eleven from InuYasha. She was more childish than the two, so it also made the fact come as a shock.

By the time they reached the next village, (Y/N) admitted that she didn't want to leave the traveling family and she wanted to stay with them. The father was reluctant at this, deeming it was unsafe that she stay with them because she was only human. She begged though, having become attached she truly didn't want to part with the three. The father had to admit, begrudgingly, he had become fond of her as well. InuYasha was obviously fond of (Y/N) because he was trying to convince his father to let her stay as well. Sesshomaru was silent, but also was silently hoping his father would allow her to join them for he too had grown a fondness of the girl. After some time thinking and pleading from both InuYasha and (Y/N), he finally agreed to let her accompany them on their travels. He also informed (Y/N) that he would train her how to defend herself, seeing as traveling with three demons could prove to be dangerous. (Y/N) accepted the conditions gladly.

As years passed, (Y/N) continued to grow close to the brothers and the fathers; she even got to meet InuYasha's and Sesshomaru's mothers. After some time, the father claimed that he officially was proud of how much (Y/N) had grown up, almost being as skilled and strong as InuYasha, and announced that he was, as of that day, declaring (Y/N) as his daughter, and the bigger sister of Sesshomaru and InuYasha.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2016 ⏰

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