chapter 3

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Chapter three

You started cooking dinner while the boys watched tv. You heard the kids wake up so you went to go get them from their nap.

Y: hey guys

T&T: hewo mommy

Y: you guys want dinner


Y: well uncle Chazzy, RyRy, and Chrissy ar here to eat with us



*the kids run down stairs to the living room and start to play with the guys while u cooked spaggetti for dinner. When all u guys eat, the guys go home and the kids watch spongebob. You finish you applications to online colleges so yu could finish school online*

Tally: Mommy will u pway perty pwincesses wif me?

Y: im sorry sweety but mommys busy right now but we can play later, okay?

Tally:otay mommy

*you finish everything you needed to on the computer and looked back at the kids in the living room..their fast asleep!*


you take them upstairs and put them to bed them go to ur room and change into ur pjs then go on facebook. you write:

Jasons coming home tomarrow!!! so exited!

then you logged off and went to bed.


you woke up to the twins jumping on your bed


Y: haha alright alright lets go get ready

*you guys get ready and you get Jason some clothes to change into. you get the kids dressed and before you know it your in the car pulling out of the driveway*

Y: are you guys exited to see daddy



*you guys pull up to the jail and get out. when you get out you see......

*****WHAT DO YOU SEE**** comment if you wanna be in the story or have any ideas and ill dedicate the next chaptr to u!!!

Book 1:I Forgot To?Jason McCann&Ryan Butler Pregnancy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now