Home Sweet Home

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We were all talking in Toby's room when the Docter came in

Dr: Toby is.... well.... completly healthy...

you felt a sensation of relief overcome you as you heard this

J: well... umm... when can he be let out?

Dr: he can be let out at anytime but someone needs to come sign the release forms.

J: i'll go

Jason went and signed the release forms and you started packing up all of Toby's belongings.You grabbed Toby and Chaz got Tally. You strapped both twins into their carseats and you all headed home. The boys stayed over that night and somehow all the boys including Jason fell asleep in the living room playing black ops.


You woke up and smell something burning. You quickly went to the kids room and they were both still asleep and completely fine. you rand downstairs and see Chaz and ryan in the kitchen (trying) to make bacon.

U: guys?

they both looked at you

U: what is going on here?

Ry: well Chaz thought it was a good idea to make bacon because he was hungry. Yet, of course, he burns it.

Chaz:......i really cant argue with any of that

 you chuckle and help them clean it up. you go into the living room and see jason still sleeping on the couch. you go over to the couch and kiss his cheek then go upstairs and wake up the kids. tomarrow  is their birthday and birthday party so you guys had to make sure everything is planned. You woke them up and dressed them up. Today you were just going to relax and stay at home with the family.

next chptr posted soon plz comment

Book 1:I Forgot To?Jason McCann&Ryan Butler Pregnancy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now