Chapter 11

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Sienna practically drags me into her room, lifting me up  and laying me down, not once removing her hand from my eyes. I whimper and squirm nervously and she places a soft kiss on my lips. "Keep your eyes closed." she says, pulling her hand away. I, not wanting to be in a worse position than I already am, keep my eyes closed and relax on what I assume to be her bed. I feel a soft cloth being placed over my eyes and sit up a bit, hearing a chuckle as I feel her tie the cloth behind my head, careful to move my hair out of her way. She gently pushes me back down when she's finished and I feel her soft fingers stroking over my belly, sides and breasts, more in a teasing way than a ticklish way.

I feel her press down on me and her lips brush against my ear. "Though mostly I'm a fan of tickling little pains in the ass like you... You're special. So I think I'll treat you special." I feel my stomach knot worriedly at her words, whimpering softly as her cold hands rub up and down my inner thighs, terribly close to my sex. My breathing becomes shaky, but I relax. I feel no ill-intent in her fingers, only gentle teasing. Her fingers travel up between my lips and my breath catches in my throat. She grinds a single fingertip into my clit and I lift my hips against her, biting my lip and whimpering softly.

"Oh, does that feel good, little pest~?" She coos. I blush darkly and sneer a little at her nickname, a soft growl vibrating in my throat. I hear her laugh and feel her lips brush against my breasts, making me arch my back. "Aww, what's wrong, little one? Do you not like my nickname for you?" her finger slowly drags down to my entrance, her fingertip barely stroking it, teasing the wet hole almost ticklishly, but more tauntingly. "Mmm... You're already so wet... Or is this from earlier?" I feel her tongue drag over the side of my neck, her body pressing into me and holding me down to the bed. I close my eyes under the blindfold and arch my back, gripping the sheets as I feel her fangs scrape my skin. She doesn't bite. Instead she removes herself from me.

I hear the bed creak beneath her as she shifts, and the next thing I feel is her tongue sliding up between my lower lips. I gasp and lift my hips, groaning softly and biting my lip as it drags up and down across my wet slit. I groan loudly and shake my head back and forth, her tongue skillfully assaulting my sensitive, throbbing pussy, her fingers tracing circles around my clit with one hand while the other hand is up, fingers pinching and stroking my nipples. My inability to see made things that much more intense. Her tickling earlier had seemed sloppy but this... This is heaven. She's much better suited for causing pleasure than ticklish agony. Of course when she had assaulted me earlier, she had seemed rather frustrated with me after what happened with Mistress Cynthia, so that may have had something to do with it.

I lick my lips and hold my breath, my back arched as her expert teasing quickly brings me to the brink of orgasm. I hear her chuckle and I let out a short, sharp screech as she dives her tongue inside of me. I press myself up into her and moan loudly, my body shivering with every touch of her warm muscle against my sensitive slit. She swirls her tongue against my walls and I resist the urge to grab her hair. I'm left right on the edge when she finally pulls her tongue out of me. I cry out and she just laughs, her fingers digging into the soft skin just above my hips, wiggling and squeezing on my delicate ticklish skin and kneading down into my muscles. I squeal and thrash, my hands reaching down reflexively to grab at her hands. She growls and moves my hands away, pinning them on either side of my head and leaning in to speak, shivering as her breath shoots inside of my ear with her words.

"You're a naughty little pest, aren't you, Jennifer~? Listen here, sweet cheeks, you better keep those hands to yourself or I may wind up having to tie you down. And I really don't wanna have to. 'Cause if I do, you're gonna be in some serious trouble." I feel her pull away and I gulp softly, Squirming under her. Soft kisses are again pressed to my belly and I get occasional little nibbles near my bellybutton that makes me jump and giggle from time to time. It continues for a few minutes until finally she slips back between my legs, her heavenly, skillful tongue on my slit.

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