chapter 3:the first signs

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(Rin begins to wake up to the same all white scenery as before, he tries to sit up but his muscles won't respond) "I wouldn't try moving they gave you a powerful muscle relaxant" Kekome said "why are you here watching over me?" Rin asked "my reasons are my own besides you're friend could have stayed but school wasn't cancelled so she had to go home" she said "what happened to the spirit we fought?" He asked "oh her she's over there getting some sleep, I kinda got carried away and kept her up all night with my questions, her names Azua in case you were wondering" she said "so how long do I have to stay here?" He asked "the doctor said that you'll be in here for about a week straight the fight and the amount of spirit energy you put out put a tremendous strain on your body and brain he said you be in therapy for a while" she said "great I get out and the next day I'm right back in" he said.

"here say ahhhh" Kekome said "what are you doing?" Rin asked "I'm feeding you, you can move and I know your hungry so just eat" she said "I'm not a dog I can feed myself I'll wait till the relaxants were off" he said before his stomach let out a Huge growl "you body seems to disagree with you" she said dangling a cut piece of apple in his face "thanks I guess" he mumbled (Kekome picks up the plate of sliced apples and puts it on the stand next to her and begins to head for there door).

"Where are you going?" Rin asked straining to look at her "I'm going home I've been up all night I need some sleep" Kekome said "what am I supposed to do all day?" he asked "I don't know go back to sleep or something, later" she said waving her had as she turns the corner.

"Being paralyzed blows, maybe if I try hard enough I can move a bit more" he thought to himself (he looks down to his feet and stares at his big toe, he continues to stare for 10 mins until it begins to twitch and finally he's able to move it back and forth, he continues to try this with his hands and arms but before he could get any where his concentration is broken).

"The best way to rid your body of paralysis is to have your body pumped with adrenaline the only reason you can't move is because the relaxant not only weakens muscles it works on the central nervous system" Azua said "and why would you be giving me advice?" Rin questioned "let's just say you peaked my interest so I'm willing to help you out but only to further my own goals" she said "how's your eye" he asked "well I can't see out of this eye anymore but they had no reason to remove it I think it will serve as a lesson" she said "I was asking if you were okay I didn't need a pride filled rant" he said "don't get smart kid, unlike you I'm not paralyzed from the neck down I can still kill you when ever I want never mind my injury" she said "what ever you hard ass" he said.

(She sucks her teeth, and get up from her bed) "and where are you going?" Rin asked "if you must know I'm going to the bathroom" Azua said "you might want to pay attention" he said "what are you..." (Before she could finish she runs face first into a wall, it becomes silent for until its broken by a snicker from Rin) "speak a word of this to anyone and your dead" she said angrily before slamming the door to the bathroom "yeesh so hostile, (sigh, he looks over to the clock on his stand) its not even noon I guess I should go back to sleep" he said.

( terrified screech) "what the hell" Rin said (Azua falls out of the bathroom with her pants around her ankles) "w-what the hell is wrong with your toilet it just attacked me" she said "what are you going on about" he said "I went to the bathroom and after I hit the button I thought was to flush it sprayed something warm at my butt" she said with her cheeks flushed red " that's what a toilet is supposed to do it cleans you some what when you go number 2" he said "what the hell, who's the idiot that came up with that idea" she said (his eye begin to scroll down as he notices she hasn't pulled up her pants) "what are you staring at" she said before looking down and turning a furious shade of red "hey its not my fault you came out here like that" he said "you must really want to die" she said summoning her blade, when she does the door to their room swings open and a doctor walks in.

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