chapter 4:constraint

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"This is doesn't make any sense I can't even remember what happened" Rin said "it doesn't matter, your life is in the hands of the higher ups now" Hiroshi said (Rin sits down on the bed in the cell and begins to twiddle his thumbs nervously, he shuts his eyes and when he opens them his hands are covered in a murky aura he hops back in surprise and begins to look at his hand and after a few minutes he slams his hands into the wall leaving a small crater where he punched).

"What the hell" Rin mumbled to himself (bang, bang) "keep it down in there" Hiroshi said (Rin looks toward the door to see Hiroshi standing there his heart begins to race and he moves his fingers erratically, all noises around him disappear as he begins to walk toward the bared view hole in his cell door, he reaches for the gap in the bar going for his neck when the door begins to open the sound begins to flood his ears making them ring braking his murderous concentration, the aura on his hands fade and he hold his ear trying to lessen the sudden flood of sound).

"What's wrong with you" Hanako asked "my ears hurt" Rin grunted "come on were leaving" she said "I thought I was being judge by our superiors" he said "you were judges just be happy they decided you needed to be under a solid watch, and what better person for the job than me" she said "how did you convince the government leaders to let you do this?" He asked "it took a few minutes and a lot of explaining but I eventually broke through those stubborn old fools" she said.

"so what now?" He asked "you continue life as per usual I just have to follow you everywhere" she said "you can't be serious" he asked "yup, anytime you go out into public due to the incident you cause you could be potentially putting others in danger, so they want some one to follow you around in case you quote unquote flare up again and need to be put down" she said "so basically you're like a executioner following me waiting for me to screw up" he said "that's one way of putting it yes" she said.

"Ummmm Hanako who is that in the car?" Rin asked "oh her that's my spirit partner Saiya" Hanako said " why is she wearing a hoodie she looks like she hiding away from the cops" he said "that's because ever since we came home two months ago she's spent all her time in the basement playing computer games she's been down there so long that the sun hurts her eyes" she said "she sounds like a cartoon vampire" he said "wanna see the icing on the cake" she said with a grin "what do you mean?" He asked curiously (Hanako walks up to the car and yanks down Saiya's hood, she immediately covers her eyes and gets into the fetal position mumbling something).

"What's wrong with her? Rin asked "the sun bothers her so much that she goes into a phobic shock it hilarious" she said as she begins to laugh "alright can we go home now?" he asked "whew, yea get in" she said wiping a tear from her eye.

"Ugggg after everything I've been through I don't want to leave the house anymore" Rin said "you'll be fine these experiences will only make you a better person" Hanako said "is she going to get out of the car? He asked "wait for it" she said (she puts the key in the door and unlocks it she quickly swings the door open and hugs the wall).

"What are you..." (Before Rin could finish his sentence he's knocked over by a fast moving object) "uggg what the hell was that?" he grunted "that was Saiya she probably made it to the basement by now" Hanako said" "are you going to get her out?" He said plopping down on the couch "no she has a mini fridge and a microwave down there but when I went down to get her she was out of food so wither she likes it or not she has to come out to get food" she said.

(The basement door slowly opens and Saiya peeks her head through, her stomach growling can be heard through the crack) "come on Saiya your not getting any food until you come out of you're hole, also have some training to do so we don't become rusty" Hanako said. "That reminds me where are Kekome and Azua?" Rin asked "Azua went out somewhere, and Kekome is up stairs sleeping she is understandably tired after the battle you guys had" Hanako said.

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