Chapter one: Family

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It was a gloomy day with the sun refusing to show it's warm rays. Today was somewhat of a special day, Today (Y/N) would get to meet her foster family. She was curious to see how they looked and acted. Where they a average family with 2 kids and a dog? Or where they rich and lived in a huge mansion? She didn't know and really didn't care. "You're going to enjoy your new home (Y\N)" said the social worker next to her in the car. (Y/N) couldn't hear her over the music blasting in her ears. After a while she saw that they were in a very beautiful neighborhood filled with large mansion and plush green yards. "This is where you'll be living. Your family are the Amporas, there's one father and he has a son, about 16 named Eridan." (Y/N) was honestly quite excited to see her family now, she looked around the neighborhood a bit more and looked in front of her. She saw a boy with black hair with a purple streak and light peachy skin standing on the sidewalk on his phone, not looking up. Her social worker pulled into the driveway to the same house that the boy was at. They both stepped out of the car and (Y/N) grabbed her suitcase and backpack. "Hello you must be Eridan, I'm Ms. Maryam, the social worker"  She held out her hand to Eridan who finally looked up and jumped slightly not realizing that she was there. "Oh, Hello. Yeah I'm Eridan. Vvery nice to meet you" he replied as he shook her hand. As he was doing this he noticed a girl behind her, she must be her new sister. He blushed slightly and thought she was quite attractive, for a middle class girl that is. It wasn't like he was attracted to her or anything. Dear gog that would be horrible for a upper class boy to fall in love with this middle class girl, especially if she's his new sister."Ummm, Mr.Ampora? Are you alright?" Ms. Maryam asked him. "Hm? Oh yeah yeah, I'm just day dreamin again. Anywway, do you havve any other bags in the car that you need to take into the house?" (Y/N) shook her head no "Nope, this is it" "Alright, so I hope you enjoy your new home name. I'll come back next week to see how you're settling in. Goodbye." And with that Ms. Maryam went back into her car, waved her final goodbye, and drove away. "So, you wwant a tour of the house?" Eridan asked trying to be a good brother like his father said before he left for work. "Uh sure. That would be nice."
They both walked into the parlor of the house and (Y/N) set her things down by the door. "You better keep up. If you don't you'll get lost." "Alright, Alright I'm coming" she stood next to the boy ready for the tour of mansion. "Where is your- I mean our dad anyway?" (Y/N) asked as she and Eridan walked down the first floor hallway. "He's at wwork, you know what Crocker Corp is correct?" "Yeah, they make a lot of tasty cake mixes that I like" "Wwell he's the CEO and his girlfriend or somethin Ms. Peixes is the Chairman of Crocker Corp." He answered. "Wow that's a big job isn't it?" (Y/N) asked curiously like how a child would ask their parents where do babies come from. "Heck yeah it's a big job, anywway down that hallwway is the indoor pool and hottub, the hallwway across from that is the kitchen and dinnin room where you can help yourself to anythin BUT my animal crackers." He said strictly. "Why can't I have any of the animal crackers?" "Because their mine. Anywway Upstairs are the bedrooms, loft area, office, game room, home theater, and etc" He boasted as he walked upstairs with (Y/N) backpack in his hands to her room. "So your room is dowwn this hallwway and it's across from my room if you're wonderin." He opened the door to a grand room with a large canopy bed at one end and two cream coloured sofas at the other end in front of a large flat screen tv and a desk in the corner of the room. "Are you sure this isn't the master bedroom?" (Y/N) asked with awe and shock. "Yeah i'm sure, Dad's room is down the hallwway next to his office." He answered not surprised by her question. She looked at the bed with the huge fluffy pillows and puffy sheets and ran over to it. "CANNON BALL~!" she screamed as she jumped on to the blissfully soft bed. It felt like she landed in a marshmallow bed made by the angels themselves. "Hey! You need to be careful, you'll break somethin." Eridan yelled worriedly. Dad would kill him if anything broke while he was there home alone. "Don't be such a worry wart." (Y/N) yawned as she curled up into the blankets and started drifting away into dream land. "I am not a wworry wwart, I'm just makin sure that you wwon't do anythin stupid and break somethin while dad is awway and first of all-" When he opened his eyes from his mini speech he saw that (Y/N) was fast asleep. It had been a long day for her after all so he pulled out a nightgown from her backpack making sure not to touch anything personal and laid it on the sofa for her to wear when she goes back to sleep later and with that he was gone off to his room.

    (Y/N) woke up to sounds of someone yelling at another person over a skype call and angry typing on a computer keyboard. "SOL! WWHAT THE FUCK MAN?!" 'It must be Eridan' (Y/N) thought as she looked over at the clock on the night stand. It was the wee hours of the evening, 7:30 to be exact, she saw that the sun just settled into the horizon, waiting to seen tomorrow. "SOL STOP CHEATIN YOU FUCKASS!" Eridan screeched into the mic again. (Y/N) picked herself up and dragged over to Eridan's room on the other side of the hallway. She creaked open the door to see Eridan facing away from the door on his computer playing what seemed to be Minecraft and his room, same size of her's except it was more decorated.  It had purple and blue for the eyes to see and lots of what seemed to be Harry potter posters and Ravenclaw posters to go along with the theme. She closed the door back not wanting to disturb him and went down stairs to the kitchen to grab something to eat. She opened the pantry and found a box of Spongebob mac and cheese and and some chicken nuggets in the freezer and started cooking the two items for dinner. She made extras for Eridan and her new dad if they haven't ate yet and went upstairs with her and Eridan plates in her hands and her dad's in two separate containers to ensure that the chicken nuggets wouldn't get soggy. Before she went into her room to eat she sat Eridan's plate on his nightstand and left for her room leaving him undisturbed. She hopped on one of the sofas and flicked on the tv to Spongebob and started to watch as she ate. She looked around and saw her nightgown on the other couch and wondering how it got there in the first place. 'Did I pull out when I got here?' she pondered as she took a bite of her chicken nugget dripping with ketchup. She shrugged it off and went back to eating her dinner when she heard footsteps in her room. "Eridan?" she turned and called out but saw a different person. It was a taller man dressed in a black suit with a red tie and slicked back black hair. "Hello (Y/N)." he said with no emotion in his voice. She waved shyly to the man wondering who he is and why he's here. To be honest he scared her a lot. "I'm Eridan's father and your father as well. I wanted to say thank you for the dinner down stairs. I appreciate it." and with that he was gone. Eridan went past him into her room with the plate of food in his hands and sat down. "Thank for the food (Y/N)" he thanked as he took a bite of mac and cheese while watching Spongebob with her. She smiled softly and took a big bite of her chicken nugget as she watched Spongebob with her new big brother. She knew that she was going to enjoy it here.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2015 ⏰

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