Chapter 10

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My hands were shaking as I slid into the car next to Basta. Fueled by a concoction of fear, hatred and adrenaline born from the events I had witnessed. Running an unsteady hand through my hair, lost in unwanted thought of the acts I had seen the man I thought I loved commit. Subconsciously I reached for the blossom in my hair, to find that it had gone, fallen during the violence and intimidation. I pulled myself against the window, detaching myself from the men who took such joy from pain. Detaching myself from him. An image of the pain and regret in Basta's eyes flashed through my mind- but could I believe them, after what my own had witnessed?

A hand round my shoulder pulled me from my thoughts. 'Enjoy your first taste of the life of a blackjacket?' he purred into my ear. My entire self wanted to remove his arm, run away from him. The story of the snakes he left those who rejected him held me in place.
I gave an affirmative 'hmm'. He leaned in closer, and though I was staring out the window I felt the cat-like smile creep across his lips. 
'Shocked?' I scowled at his insight and gave a small nod, staring fixedly out of the window at the tangled vines adorning the hills.
'I...'  he sighed, filling the air with peppermint. For the first time, the smell repulsed me. 'Do you hate me now?' My silence spoke louder than anything that could be said, and his spoke of pain and emptiness. He lifted his arm from my shoulder and leaned against his respective window.
'Do...' I pressed my forehead against the cold window, 'Do you think Capricorn will kill me when he finds out I'm no good at this?' Basta carefully placed a hand on my shoulder.
'Hey, I'm a fire raiser who's scared of fire, and I'm not dead yet'


Authors note  sorry it was very short but I wanted to leave it on that line, emphasis and all that 
also sorry for never updating :'( I'm re-reading Inkheart so that's given me a kick up the backside, and I'm feeling creative again after forever
Should update soon (nag me please) 

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