Chapter 2: The Plan

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I run south, back to where I originally started, the worm chases me, as if it was a cheetah hunting a gazelle. I grab the gun and load 3 pellets into the chamber and shoot blindly behind me, hoping to whatever deity may or may not be out there to help me. I hear something burst. I glance behind me and see the creature flailing about, streams of blood spewing from the side of its head. Seeing such a putrid sight makes me feel like I'm about to lose my lunch. The wound, which was mostly used to temporarily faze the beast so I could create some distance in between us. Load. Ready. Aim. Fi- ARGH.

Something grabbed me from behind and pulled me down, forcing me to fire pathetically into the air. But wha- Girl-Face. Damn. Forgot about him. Ah well, he shouldn't be too much of a threat, I still have five more pellets left in the gun. I spin 180° and turn to face a very feminine, but terrifying, face. I look slightly down, and see the chest region pokes out slightly, oh god, that means...

"You're a girl?!" I exclaim, stupidly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She replies.

"Aren't girls supposed to be down in the kitchens, not fighting in the arena?"

"Ugh, sexist pig, just like the rest of 'em. One person I've found that hasn't said that to me, one. Can you guess who that person is? I'll give you a clue, you probably think he just died."

"You mean that guy on the floor over there?"

Slowly, she nodded. Well okay then, conversation without spiteful remarks, progress, I guess. Anyway, back to business. I pull out my gun and shoot her in the leg. I turn and get on my way.

"SON OF A-" The girl shouts at me, screaming in agony while applying pressure to her leg.

Gaining a large amount of adrenaline, I charge towards the worm-creature, firing madly in its general direction. One hit, two hit, three hit. Nice. It starts exploding into pillars of blood, appealing to the eye, but makes a horrible whining noise. I run and jump towards its mouth and pull out the shards of glass. I run them through the sides of its mouth, open wide enough to fit my entire body inside. A tooth falls and clips the top of my right arm. I open up the medi-kit to find some syringes, one with a skull on it, one with a lightning bolt and one with a plus shape. I grab the syringe with the plus shaped label and stab it into my arm. I feel hyped, the bleeding stops and the wound closes up instantly. I retake the glass shards, which were lodged into its mouth and jump out. The monster falls to the floor, closes its mouth and it stops moving. Well that's over with, what now. Ah yes, the girl.

I grab the metal pipe that the boy was clutching, and head back over to where I shot the girl. After all, she was bleeding, which means I can track her and she couldn't have gotten very far. Indeed, the blood is very bright and vibrant around here, so I just follow them. As I'm hunting through the woods, the blood tracks stop, and I am forced to look around. She doesn't seem to be in sight. I load the gun. No more spare ammo. 4 shots left. I place my hand on a tree as I seek from left to right to try to find my prey. Hmmmm. The tree feels weird and melted. I look at my hand. Blood. Hastily, I look up and fire into the leaves overhead. Miss. Damn. 3 shots left. I slowly traverse around the forest whilst looking up into the branches, searching for any sights of human interaction or disturbance. As I look back down, an arm comes down in front of my face and pulls back on my neck, hard. I lose feeling in my legs as I start feeling droopy and my eyes shut.

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