Chapter 2

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I hope you enjoy this! This is a little less serious, with a bit of humor.

A man in a suit and floppy hair came in, followed by another man with dark hair and a woman with shocking red hair.

"Oh my gosh! What happened? Is she alright?" said the woman with red hair.

"I found her in the orphange, she is really ill." said the woman who found me.

They all rushed over to me.

"Rory, get a bed. Amy, get the medicene things. River, stay with her." said the man with floppy hair.

"Whats your name, sweetheart?" said the man with floppy hair.

"I-Its Isabelle" I whispered.

"OK, Isabelle, nice name by the way, I'm the Doctor, this lovely lady who found you is River, the other man, the one with the big nose- I laughed- is Rory and the lady with the red hair is Amy." said the Doctor.

Rory and Amy came back into the room. Rory was dragging a bed, and Amy was carrying what looked like anough medicene for 200 people!

River carefully lifted me onto the bed and Rory sat one side, Amy sat the other.

"River, I need you to help fly the TARDIS. Rory, your a nurse, so do nurse-y things like check Isabelles pulse and stuff like that. Pond, keep Isabelle calm."

"Stop calling me Pond, Doctor, you know I hate it when you do that" said Amy.

"I know, which is why I do it" said the Doctor. I giggled.

Rory checked my pulse and I sighed, struggling to keep my eyes open.

"You can go to sleep, you know" said Amy.

"I'm scared though" I said.

"Why?" Said Amy.

I didn't reply.

"Do you have nightmares?" asked Amy.

"Yes" I admitted, starting to cry.

Amy laid down on the bed behind me and started stroking my hair.

"Shh, don't cry honey, think of nice things" she said in a soothing voice.

I slowly drifted off to sleep, thinking about nice people, kind people, who had a blue box which was bigger on the inside, and all the adventures they could of had......

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