How You Met Her! (Team RWBY)

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Inhaling the fresh air, you step off the cramped aircraft and touch ground.
You are a new student at Beacon, which happily was your first choice in academies. But, as luck would turn out, you really have no clue what to do from here. However, this will not deter you!
Eagerly clutching your suitcase of belongings, you follow the mainstream of students. Your eyes scan the vast groups of students, who appear to be intermingling. Am I already that lost?
A small stroke of panic hits your heart but you keep moving.
"This way! New students this way! Oh, oh! And welcome to Beacon!"
You pick a voice out from the crowd and locate it to a girl standing on... what looks to be a scythe.
You must have hesitated for a moment too long because people started to crash into you.
"Sorry!" You scrambled ahead as best as you could, trying not to trip on anyone.
Your blustering through the crowd caught the attention of the said girl. "I know that look!"
She elegantly jumped off the weapon, and not-so-gently pulled you out of the masses of students. "You must be lost." Upon closer inspection, the girl had strange silver eyes.
You nodded awkwardly, trying not to make further eye contact. She was also a lot cuter.
"I'm Ruby! Pleased to meetcha." Her finger pointed at a little 'Volunteer' sticker on her matching outfit.
"I'm [Y/N], I- I am too." You cleared your throat and smiled, before showing her where you were trying to go on the map you were given on the aircraft.
Ruby nodded. "Alright! C'mon [Y/N]!" She hopped back up on her scythe, and offered her hand.
You slowly took it, and stepped onto the weapon at her behest. What is she doing?
"All aboard the Crescent Rose Express!" Ruby cried for effect, before turning over her shoulder. "Hold on!"
Your eyes widened and you awkwardly hugged her waist, not a moment too soon, for a simple press of a button sent you two soaring through the sky.
You were screaming, either out of joy or fear, the entire time while Ruby laughed.
It was only a short ride, thankfully, and you both landed with a crash in a lawn of some sort.
Letting go of her, you stumble off dizzily onto the grass. "Ruby..." You began.
She giggled at you, "It's fine! No need to thank me." The girl said proudly.
"Ruby, I forgot my suitcase." You said miserably.
"Oh. OH! Darn! Don't worry!" And as quickly as you arrived, she was gone again.
You closed your eyes and caught your breath. This was only the beginning of your adventures with Ruby.

As the bell rang for dismissal, you jolted out of a small nap you were taking. Embarrassed, you try and gather your stuff quickly, which really ends up in you dropping it again on the floor.
"Hurry up, [Y/N]!" One of your team members called.
Taking a tired, deep breath, you begin again, hoping the professor hadn't noticed you the entire class.
As you finish putting the last folder in your backpack, you are stopped by a crisp voice.
"Um, This is my seat."
Freaked out, you quickly look up. A girl with a stern look on her face, and hands on her hips, was speaking to you.
"Sorry." You muttered, picking up your backpack. A yawn escaped you and you felt the urge to apologize again,
She must be someone important.
Studying you, the girl frowns. "Hey, Is the new professor really that boring?" She almost sounded disappointed.
"I... actually don't know." You admitted, "I was asleep for most of it."
You quickly threw a glance to the professor's desk to see if he had heard you, but he disappeared. "Huh." You shrug, and realize your manners. "I'm [Y/N]."
You consider offering your hand for her to shake, but thankfully she responds before you do so.
"My name is Weiss Schnee... and you are still standing in front of my seat." She responded.
"Aren't you a little early?" You managed defensively. You really didn't appreciate being ridiculed for your poor habits. Besides, you are so going to be late at this rate.
"For a Schnee, being early is being on time." She responded coldly.
You must have made an annoyed noise because a flash of regret appeared on her pale face.
"Excuse me." As you side-stepped around her, Weiss caught your arm, it wasn't rough, but careful and precise. "Wait, what's your next class?"
Slowly, you told her and she sighed in relief. "Alright. You can give them this." She lifted a finger and fished through her bag, delicately handing you a slip of paper.
It appeared to be a late pass, with nothing more but a signature scrawled over the forms. "Where did you get this?" You asked, suddenly suspicious of how nice she was suddenly being.
"I... I have to cover for my friends a lot." Weiss said, crossing her arms in denial of her kind gesture or the implication of the two of you being friends. "Don't worry, it'll work."
Your eyes met hers and she cleared her throat, shooing you away. You noticed her platinum hair swaying as she did so. "Go on, you don't want to keep making a bad impression."
"Uh, Right." You nodded, skeptically, and tried not to linger any longer. "Thank you."
You quickly made your way through the chairs, as the rest of Weiss' class arrived.
"...Your Welcome!" Weiss called, although her face had vanished in the sea of students.
You have a feeling this wasn't the last you'd be seeing of her.

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