Chapter 1: Traitor

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One night when the rain was pouring heavily on earth, Peter Sanders found himself on a pool of mud in the middle of nowhere, lying on his stomach, his eyes blindfolded, and both his hands and feet tied with a rope. He frantically twisted and turned trying to loosen the rope or at least the blindfold around his head but to no avail. He screamed as loud as he could to get anybody's attention for help, but all the response he received was a fit of laughter.

"You can scream as loud as you can but nobody will hear you," he heard a male voice from someone who must be standing just in front of him.

Peter frenziedly tilted his head up but the blindfold still blocked his view. "Who the fuck are you? You, coward son of a bitch!"

Just after he finished that last sentence, he was stomped on his face making him wince in pain.

"Don't you dare call us 'coward'!" the stranger shouted at the man on the ground followed by a hard kick on his face once again.


Peter felt a pair of hands grabbed him by the collar pulling him up on his feet. He braced himself for a punch, but instead, the stranger removed the blindfold revealing the face of his predator - a tall young man known to be Stan Cabello.

"You're dead," Stan quietly hissed at his prey.

Peter looked into those pair of rage-filled eyes and felt his blood stopped from circulating. He looked over his shoulder and saw a woman leaning her back on a black Honda Accord bearing no plate number, her features dulled by the darkness of the night and the pouring rain, but the knife she was playing with in her hands caught Peter's full attention.

"W-What are you going to do with me?" he questioned.

Stan flashed a sinister smirk then punched Peter hard on the stomach causing the older guy to fall back on the ground. "I told you you're dead."

"Why are you doing this to me?" Peter whimpered.

"Ah, I can smell your fear."

"S-Stop this already!"

"Did you stop when Erica Porter begged you not to rape her?" Stan yelled at him followed by another stomp on his face.

"The hell you care about what I did to that slut!"

"The Society cares," the tall young man firmly replies. "And we convict you to death."

Peter laughed hysterically, "The Society?"

"Camila, finish him off." The younger man turned around to his sister, ignoring the question, and started to head back to the car. "I don't want this maniac's blood to stain my hands."

Camila Cabello sighed and slowly walked towards Peter, her favorite pocket knife clenched in her hand.

"W-What are you going to do?" Peter snaked back in fear. "Stop there, you, bitch!"

She tilted her head to the side mockingly and looked straight into his eyes. In her most emotionless voice, she said, "I'll see you in hell, Peter."

With that, she slit his throat with the knife and stabbed him on his chest multiple times just like the way Peter Sanders killed Erica Porter.

Camila Cabello trailed quietly behind her older brother as they fought their way through the huge crowd in Pandemonium. The club was jam-packed as usual meaning business was doing well. They made their way towards the 'No Unauthorized Person Allowed' door and were immediately met by a short blonde woman.

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