Chapter 3: Stranger

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Camila sat silently on her seat and simply focused on driving down the road while Lauren seated at the passenger side noisily talked to her best friend who was on the other end of the phone line. The driver let out a deep sigh as she patiently waited for the noise to end.

"I'm fine, Mani. Somebody's going to drive me home." Lauren took a quick glance at the awkwardly silent stranger as she absentmindedly listened to her best friend's rants against the phone. "Okay. Uh-huh. Just keep your cool."

Starting to get irritated by the sudden hullabaloo that crashed into her life, Camila intentionally cleared her throat implying her discomfort, and a fit of laughter blasted through the earpiece sitting on her left ear.

"You could use some noise once in a while, Camila.”

She heard Dinah's accent from the microphone which caused her to roll her eyes in annoyance. She had a special mission to accomplish with the consideration of the probability of her getting killed that very same day, but suddenly, she had this too loud of a stupid person that she had to be worried about too.

"Wait for me at the front gate, okay? Bye." Lauren made the last instruction to her best friend before hanging up the phone, and then sheepishly leaned back to her seat. "Turn left when you get to the intersection, please?"

"Nice, you're just on the right track. Turn left at the intersection indeed."

And Camila merely obeyed the orders she was getting.

Lauren turned towards the brunette and smiled pleasantly at her. "You have a very nice car, by the way," but the driver simply ignored the positive comment.

"I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself," she made another attempt at striking up a conversation. "I'm Lauren, and you are?"

"Ooh. She wants you to talk."

Again, Camila ignored the sing-song voice from Dinah as well as Lauren sitting on the passenger seat.

"Would you like to listen to some music?" asked Lauren, and reached to turn the radio on, but Camila quickly turned it off without stating any reason. The older girl immediately shot her a look. "Hey!"

But the other simply ignored the glare she was receiving, "they install a radio in a car for a reason," Lauren argued.

But instead of even considering it, Camila carelessly punched the audio system until the materials cracked. She pulled the unit out, cutting off the wirings, and then threw it out the window.

"Why would you do that?" the lost heiress screamed at the stranger with bad temper.

"What did you do, Camila?"

"I just really needed to hear something else," Lauren reasoned out. "You won't talk to me so I figured the radio would keep me sane. I can't stand the silent treatment, you know."

Still, the driver kept her mouth shut as if she didn't hear anything. Worse, as if she was all by herself in the car disregarding the presence of the other lady.

"Fine." She leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest. "If you don't want to talk then I'll talk, and I won't stop talking until you talk to me."

"Uh oh."

"You know, I just had the worst night ever in my entire life. I spent three hours getting ready for what I thought would be the most romantic date with my boyfriend, but it turned out it was one night in hell. He let me sit all by myself in the booth while he went around flirting with every girl in the bar except me, his girlfriend. Do you know how infuriating that feels? It feels like he doesn't even care about me at all. All I really wanted was to spend some quality time with him, but what did he do? God, he even got me drunk! Now I have this terrible headache, and-"

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