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Nico is a 4 years old little boy his friends, sister, brother and some of his cousins used to teased him that there is a boogeyman under his bed thirst of his blood and hungry of his flesh poor Nico would suddenly run to his mother crying then he'll hide, there were also times he argued with them that there is no such creature like that in his room. Keeping deep inside that he is trully afraid he just showed he is brave and not scared of that thing.
Every night on his room while before he sleeps he used to imagined about a boogeyman trying to get him from his bed, sometimes he can't sleep well because an image of a boogeyman always appears on his mind.
One day the innocent young Nico get a little sharp knife from their kithchen then he went to his room and placed it under his pillow as to be prepare when the boogeyman will be going to attack him, because his beliefs was already brought to a false reality by what other people used to teased him.
On the next day which is the big day. His cousins planned to dressed his brother who is 3 years older than him to be look like a boogeyman
His face was really indeed a scary one then he entered the room of his little brother who is lying down on his bed trying to sleep but Nico didn't noticed his brother going slowly under his bed.
After few minutes Nico felt something strange under his bed then he thought something that it might be the boogeyman he opened his eyes wide awake then he pulled the knife under his pillow he sat on his bed holding the knife pointing downward,,his brother was also planning to get out under his bed to scare his little brother,Nico .
Both of them counted 1..2..3 silenlty and unexpectedly Nico hitted his brother dressed as boogeyman more than five times on his body not knowing who was behind the scary face and then he ran out quickly from his room going to his mother shouting " mom!!mom!! I got him! I got him!!" His mother asked who. Then he said " the boogeyman!!!!" Nico then held his mother's hand bringing her to his room. His mother and cousins were extremely suprised and shocked of what they saw. His brother's blood was streaming on the floor his body was lying wounded and breathless. Everyone doesnt know what to do and their feelings were unexplainable on that time .. but the little boy Nico was just smiling whispering" yes, I had killed the boogeyman".

An innocent , sinless thoughts and hands were lost and broken in just a blink of the eyes because of a joke that scared a little boy but made the others laughed before.

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