Wolf Hunt

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Please leave a comment even if it's to say the chapters too long. Just one word would be enough. This is my first try and I love that I have got 40 reads in 3 days but this is one chapter pulled out of the middle of more written. I will continue writing the story even if it's just for me. Just want to know if to publish it or not.


My blood boils as I take in the news. A wolf is stalking the villagers on my lands and my uncle is doing nothing about it. My father would have had men out hunting it after the first report. I am only now hearing about it now after it has almost succeeded in killing a child. I grab my bow and quill once my sword and dagger are round my waist. "You can't go after it alone." David says.

I turn and glare at him "You except me to sit here and let it kill the next child?" I almost scream at him.

"No, but give me some time to get some men together to come with you." he backs away as I move towards him.

"It will be easier to track it alone, a large group will put it on guard. This is my responsibility and I will not risk another life." I tell him as I turn towards the door.

"So is the child's," I hear Katy say and turn back around "you are trained to heal as well as fight, something you seem to forget. Right now those are the skills that the child needs the most."

I stare at her, she is right. My anger has clouded my actions. I let my head fall. "You're right." I tell her and refocus on what has to be done, "David saddle Snowflake and a second horse. I will need supplies Katy go to the kitchen and get some food, the family will need it, take it to the stables." I tell them, passing my bow and quill to David as they leave.

I pack some of my medicines and herbs, plus clean clothes for dressings in to one bag. I pick up a second and put in some spare clothes. Yes, I will see to the child first but I will not be coming back until the wolf is dead. With that thought in mind I put my knives in the bag along with the chest strap that holds them. Along with my green woollen cloak and the mask I sometime wear to hid my identity. I stop and almost pull it out not sure why I have put it in but leave it were it is. Lastly, I grab my purse it feels lighter than I would like but throw it in the bag and close it. Shouldering both bags I leave my room and start heading towards the stables.

The lightness of my purse bothers me and I stop two passing guards, giving them my bags to take to the stables, I go to found the steward of the castle. He is the room he uses for business my uncle is with him, I ignore him, "Stephen, I need money now."It comes out sharper than I meant but my uncle's present's always puts me on edge.

"And may I ask what for?" My uncle's voice cuts through me, I grit my teeth and turn to him.

"I have heard a child has been hurt by a wolf and I wish to help." I reply keeping my temper in check.

"Oh I guess a few marks will not hurt Stephen." I can see the apology in the steward's eyes. I don't have time for this I think as I spot a large purse sitting on the desk and grab it before either man can react and look at Stephen.

"My lords' pension grated by your late father." Perfect I think feeling the weight in my hands.

"I don't have time to wait," I say "draw the money from my accounts again and mark it for a wolf hunt." I bow to my uncle and leave, part of me wishes I can stay and enjoy the look on his face but I have wasted enough time already.

I enter the courtyard smiling at getting one over on him, the purse is heavy. I will have to check with Stephen at some point but it feels like he's taken a year's pension at once. The sound of hoofs brings me out of my thoughts as look up I see David leading Snowflake and a second horse with the suppliers towards me. I slide the purse in to my saddle bag. "I put some flints and bits in your saddle bag." David says.

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