First day as an outlaw (part 2)

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Robin and I head to a nearby village were the outlaws keep a few horses. As we walk Robin points out landmarks to show the way, two hawthorn trees twisted together or a great oak that grow as if it is two. Many features that unless you are looking for them you could past by without seeing. Although I know the forest nearer my home and the way to the camp from there. I know I need to know the whole of Sherwood as well as I know my own home if I am to live here. When we get to the edge of the woods I go to walk out in to the village but Robin puts his arm out blocking my way. "First thing to learn now you are one of us is never leave the shelter of the trees until you have made sure it is safe." He tells me as he studies the village, "Tell me, what do you see?"

I look out at the village and take a moment to look around. As my eyes take in the scene in front of me at first I just see a village going about it's every day business then I notice there aren't many villagers in the fields, it's early in the year but they need to be prepared before sowing. Next, I realise there are no children about they should be playing near the huts then I see the reason why, a noble man's horse and a couple of guards they had been hidden by one of the huts not hiding but just out of sight.

As I step back in to the shadows the nobleman comes in to view my blood boils and my hand goes to my sword without a thought as my eyes narrow on Sir Guy of Gisborne. I see him yelling at one of the villages but can not hear what is being said before I know I'm doing it I have an arrow notched in my bow and aimed at him. Robin's hand closes round the arrow as he says, "No, I would like to see him dead as much as you, Sarah, but it will be the village that will suffer for it."

I know he is right but it does not make it any easier to watch. As Gisborne hits the man across the face with the back of his hand, I take a step forward and Robin grabs me round the waist. "Remember our deal," Robin snaps in my ear as he drags me backwards in to the woods, "we will circle round and get closer but you are not to do anything unless I say too. Now we will find out if you can follow orders." We make our way round the village staying inside the forest that runs around it on two sides. My eyes keep going back to what is happening in the village, Gisborne has not raised his hand again but the two guards have entered the hut they were in front of. They are inside for a few minutes when they come out one of them shakes his head and Guy gestures for them to move to the next building.

Soon we are close enough to hear what is being said. "He's not here I told you." the man says as he wipes the blood from his mouth.

"I will be the judge of that now be silent." Sir Guy says pulling his sword a few inches out of it's scabbard to make his point. We watch from where we are as the guards go from building to building looking for whoever they were searching for. Robin keeps one hand on my shoulder to make sure I do not do anything rash he knows my feelings about Sir Guy. By the time all the homes have been searched most of the villagers are outside in the middle of the village. Gisborne addresses them all, "You were lucky this time but if I hear that any of you so much as give him water you will share his fate and join him on the gallows. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes, my lord." Replies the man that we had first seen and the rest mumble agreement.

Gisborne yells for his horse and one of the guards brings it to him, Guy mounts and rides out of the village without looking to see if the guards are following. Robin and I wait where we are until they are out of sight. As we are about to brake cover we see someone else exit the forest from the other side of the village and runs to the man we have been watching with Sir Guy. "So that is who they were looking for." Says Robin as he moves forward in to the open, I follow him until we are both standing amonst the villagers.

"Robin it's good to see you." Says the man we had watch hit by Gisborne as he comes forward.

"You too George, we saw what happened, I am sorry we could not act." Robin says before he is cut off.

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