[02] In My Veins

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Nothing goes as planned,

Everything will break.

People say goodbye,

In their own special way.

All that you rely on,

And all that you can fake,

Will leave you in the morning,

But find you in the day .

~In My Veins, Andrew Belle

So a lot of you have been asking me if I'm going to continue writing this story. To be honest, I was going to wait till Blondie Brownie was done, but I'm obviously in the mood today so lets just enjoy it while it lasts.

Also, THIS IS NOT CAMP ROCK. Honestly, Camp Rock is like the best thing ever, but the direction in which I plan to take this story is waaaaaay different. 

Now that that's out of the way.

Dear Ms. Cunningham,

We are pleased to inform you of your acceptance into Songbird Academy. Your performance was truly spectacular, and we are very excited to have you with us this year, and the year after.

You are to be at Rybert station at 8 o'clock sharp on the 31st of August. The train leaves at dot 8 so make sure you board it. You will be roommates with Clarissa Norton in Room 211. 

We hope to see you soon, and we hope that you enjoy your Songbird experience! We assure you, it's like no other.

Yours truly,

Regina Dellevay Waller,


I blinked and turned the letter to see the return address.

Boston, Massachusetts.

"You have got to be kidding me." I muttered under my breath as I scanned through the contents of the letter once again. Was this some sort of sick joke?

"Honey, what is it?" My mum said from behind me.

"It's an acceptance letter." It came out as a question. "But I didn't apply. How is this possible?"

"Is it Songbird Academy?" My father asked slowly.

Pieces suddenly started to fit together. Did my parents have anything to do with this?

I turned around and eyed my dad suspiciously. and he squirmed under my glare. "Anything you want to tell me, Dad?"

"We did it for your own good, honey. It's such an honour to get selected, Songbird is the best there is. I'm so excited for you." My mum answered instead.

I narrowed my eyes at them, "You sent an application to a high school in Boston, in America without telling me? What were you thinking?"

"It's a school of music, pumpkin." My dad muttered.

"I thought I said I wanted to be a surgeon, like you." I shot my dad an icy glare, but this time he glared right back at me.

"You have a passion for music." He said, "Not many people are lucky enough to be as gifted as you are. It would be a shame to throw it all away." 

"I don't even sing in front of people, how do you think that's going to work out in a school for music?" I shot back.

"Honey," My mom smiled, "You have the voice of an angel, you have to share it with the world, not just us."

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