Childish War - Len Kagamine and Rin Kagamine

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Japanese Version:

Tittle: Childish War
Group: Vocaloid
Singer: Len Kagamine Vs Rin Kagamine

English Version:

Singer: Rachie Vs Juby Phonic

Once upon a time, yes, a very long time ago

Lived a family noble and old, whose children were very close

And on and on it goes....

"Hey, do it right!"

"Now to your throne" the butler starts the show

(Ready go!)

Ready go, a knife and a fork to point in your face, I'll take you any day

After all, we're noble - the middle class'

Grandest and richest of families so don't ever look down on us (yeah?)

So bow down to us, you peasants, standing here's your prince and princess

We're here to call to attention all of your mistakes

Hey, hold up, hold up, aren't you lying again?

Whataya bet you can't see through anything I throw at you?

Right, right, right, right

I'll leave them under you, since you want it so bad (lol)

You're just so annoying! God, just so annoying!

Acting high mighty around me like you're the queen

Ready aim and fire, gong that never tires

Rioting tonight, it's a war but not a fist fight

Causing so much trouble, see my mischief double

C'mon, boy, you gotta admit that I do it in style

And for buying at this "special bargain sale

"I thank you for your precious service, beat you fair and square


Back to backing away, retreat

But I have an idea to beat

Giving into her puerile goals

We're head to head and toe to toe

"Who the hell do you think I am?"

Yeah, I'm the rulebook, that's a slam

Calling me so dumb, thinking that I'll run

Maybe humility is not so bad!

Now, now, everyone, come and take my hands please

It's only natural that I'm tranquil

If you really didn't know, I cheat by nature

Always reaching for that one thing greater

It's in my blood, you know we're famous for our war strength

This one here, that one there, everywhere

Yes I've won the fight! Peace sign!Yay! (v^―゜)♪

Right, right, right right

Guess who earned a gold star for "very good job"! ☆

You're just so annoying! God, just so annoying!

Acting high mighty around me like you're the king

I'll strike even harder, shoot you 'till you topple

Retribution, punishment - I'll make you feel all of it

Looking down upon you, seeing through all your moves

Chance is for the taking, you're dancing to my own beat

Got a little messy, missed you by a hair

Oh well, it looks like I'm the winner, beat you fair square


But it's you, and nobody can compare

(Sei yaa too yaa u too yaa ha)

You're the only rival that I can bare

(Sei yaa too yaa u too yaa ha)

Falling to my knees, losing like I'm weak

(U ha sei yaa yaa sei ha)

Would drive me insane so for tonight, it's you and me

But I'll win hey hey hey hey

The house staff agrees, so why don't you just chill out for once in your life, okay?

Oh my god, just shut up!

You're just so annoying! God, just so annoying!

Yelling at me like I'm a dog, but you're just all bark

Ready aim and fire, gong that never tires

Generation rising, the one to rule will be me!

Causing so much trouble, see my mischief double

C'mon, boy, you gotta admit that I do it in style

From one to a hundred, I'll take whatever's there!

I thank you for your precious service, beat you fair and

Wait a second...woah, is this a draw??(Huh?!)

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