Chapter 3

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"I was just wondering if we could maybe get together after school?"

"What?!" Jack couldn't believe his ears.

"No! Not like that! To work on the project?" Mark said sounding flustered and embarrassed.


"Because tomorrow is Friday, we have class on Friday and we need to know what we're doing by our next class..." Mark explained.


"Cool! So... Do you still live at the same place?"


"Cool. So, met me at the car park after school and I'll drive us to your place?"

"Woah, hold up Fischbach! If we're doing this project anywhere, it's at your place." Jack said.

"Uh... Okay... But, why?" Mark asked.

"I don't really want to talk about it..." Jack grumbled, his face suddenly changing from anger to sadness in a split second.

"Are you okay, Sean?"

"I'm fine! I'm great! Your just pissing me off again... And the names Jack..."

"Alright then... Meet you out the front after school?" Mark asked.

"Yeah... See ya then..."

♤ time skip ♤

Not only was Mark confused, he was worried. He may hate Sean (well, Sean may hate him) but, it doesn't mean he doesn't care. Was Sean okay? Why did he suddenly get sad? Why didn't he want Mark at his place? Why has he not been showing up to classes? There were so many questions running through his mind and he had to know the answers.

He was waiting out the front for Sean. Where is he? The bell for the end of the day went 20 minutes ago... Maybe I should look for him...?

Just as Mark was about to enter the school again, Jack walked out with a slightly red and puffy cheek.

"Uh, hey." Mark greeted.

"Hi?" Jack said.

"What took you so long?" Mark asked.

"Um... Uh... Nothing..." But that was a lie. He was stopped in the hall way by one of he's few bullies and afterwards he went to cry in the bathrooms again.

"Uh, okay. So, do you want to go?"

"Yeah, sure..." Jack said.

Mark lead Jack to his car and started it up. Half way there Jack spoke up.

"Uh... Hey, Mark?"


"I have two questions..."

"Shoot 'em at me."

"First what do you think your mum will think of me? I mean I've changed a lot and the last time ye Ma saw me was when I was 10... I'm 17 now...that's a long time..."

He was right... Jack had changed a lot... He now had 4 piercings up along one ear and 3 on the other. He had 3 tattoos on his left arm, the bit of hair that stuck out of his hat was going grey and he dressed completely different compared to the last time he saw him.

"I don't know S-Jack... I'm sure it'll be fine!" Mark smiled.

"And also, do you think I'll need me guitar?" Jack asked.

"No, not really."

"'Kay." And that was it until they reached Marks place.

Jack stopped outside of Marks door. "You right Jack?"

"What?" Jack said.

"Are you okay? You just lost all colour to your face and you look terrified..."

"Fuck off Mark." Jack said for no reason what so ever.

Mark rolled his eyes and walked in Jack following close behind.

"Hi, Markimoo! Who's this?" Marks mum asked. Jack giggling at the silly nick name.

"Mum you remember Sean right?" Mark asked his mum and she nodded, "This is Sean, well, Jack." Mark said completely lacking all enthusiasm.

"Hi Mrs. Fischbach..." Jack greeted shyly.

"Oh my goodness! You look so different! What on earth are you doing here?" She asked using all the energy Mark had lacked just seconds before.

"Mum, he's here to do a drama slash music project and we kinda need to get that done. So could we head up to my room?" Mark asked.

"Of course dear! I'll hopefully see you soon Sean!"

"It's Jack and I hope ta see you soon as well." Jack smiled.

Jack followed Mark to his room upstairs.

"'Markimoo'? Really?" Jack laughed.

"Oh, shut up! She's always called me that!" Mark said laughing a little himself.

"So anyways, project..." Jack said.

"Oh... I was thinking... Uh, maybe we could, u-uh, maybe get to know each other first...?"


"I like to get to know everyone I'm partnered up with..." Mark said awkwardly.

"Well... Okay then. Hi I'm Jack. I'm 17, me favourite colours green... Uh, I have no friends because people ether think I'm too weird to talk to or are too scared to talk to me... Oh! And I love to listen t' music and also play it." Jack said with no emotion at all.

"Uh, well then, I'm Mark, I'm 18, I like the colour pink-" Jack snorted so Mark glared at him, "I have 2 close friends named Bob and Wade I also have an Internet friend named Aron, but he likes to be called Yami... And I love to act and sing..." Mark said moving his arms around as he talked.

"Can we do the project now?" Jack asked growing more inpatient by the second.

"Yep." Mark replied simply. "So, I was thinking a song based off of a video game?"

"That sounds cool, I guess." Jack said whispering the last part under his breath, "what games did ye have in mind?"

"Uh, maybe Pokémon? Slender Man? Five Nights At Freddy's? Plague Inc. Evolved? Happy Wheels?"

"I like all of those games! God damnit! Uhhh, Five Nights at Freddy's?" Jack asked.

"Yeah! I like that one! Look something we agree on!" Mark said.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny Markimoo." Jack said putting emphasis on 'Markimoo'

"Shut up McLoughlin. So, we need a vivid image of what we're going to do... Maybe... You could play the music and record it? I could sing and perform it? I don't know really..." Mark asked.

"Yeah, whatever. So, where are we gonna record it?" Jack asked.

"My basement? It's pretty creepy down there..." Mark said.

"It can't be that bad! Show me, ya wuss!" Said Jack. He was secretly a little nervous. He loved scary movies and games, but, he hated being scared by something or someone real.

"Are you really sure you wanna go down there?"

"Ya, show me!" Jack said getting inpatient.

"Alrighty, then! Only if you really want to."

Mark lead Jack down to the basement. Jacks breathing got faster as soon as he entered the room.

Suddenly the door slammed shut.

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