«Stupid bus driver»

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"Right" is what I say nodding to him  like a small child

"Harry take your money back! My arms are getting tired here."

"What? No,keep it babe."

he says rising up from his seat.

"Thank you" I say showing a small smile of appreciation to him

But soon my smile turns into a frown. Hes leaving? My question is answered a second later: I notice why he stood, from afar i see the bus approaching us.

"Your leaving?" I say looking at him then at my fingernails who's pink vibrant color has faded away,probably from all the dish washing

"Yeah..you never told me your name love."

I look up at him.He looks at me then at the bus that is now beside us.

I also rise from the bench "Im sorry how rude, Hi my name is Beca." I extend my small hand.Harry does the same and we shake.

God,What a large hand.

"Hello Beca,my name is Harry."

His shake is firm and his touch sends tingles all over my body as if he was electrical.

"I know that Harry"

"I just wanted present myself properly to you." He locks eyes with me

Soon our conversation is interrupted by the bus driver

"Yeah, hi my names late,are ya getting on or what?!"

she yells rudely, cant blame her.Her job must suck.

"Yeah im sorry ma'am" I say loudly because of the roaring engine noise.I then ignore Mrs.Late's sigh. Turning back to or conversation with Harry.

"Well i guess i'll be going." I point at the bus.

I sigh then Start to climb the bus stairs .

"Beca.. you have money to pay?" I turn around Harry is still standing there, I believed he was gone by now

"Oh i thought you were gone..yes i do, thank you Harry..." I wave the bill he kindly gave to me and smile weakly .

"Young lady, you have to pay in quarters or 1s or 5s or even 10s. It ain't going to accept that 100 th" She points at the bill in my hand  "you got change?"

I sigh now, she annoys me.

"No i dont, crap." I fumble looking in my purse for lose change I might have from earlier, their has to be some in here.

Then the bus driver speaks up...again.

"You got a Dart bus pass in there?"

"I'm Sorry but can you please give me a second" I tell her in a irritated voice.

"Look i need to go ,I have a schedule young lady, if you dont have money ask your boyfriend here for some change" She points at Harry and i dont even turn around because my face is redder than a tomato

"Or tell him to give you a ride home. Now get going! Off the bus" She pushes me off the bus and shuts the bus door in my face. Then speeds away. Leaving a trail of black smoke behind. How rude.I fix my dirty work clothes that are now more wrinkled with the bus driver pushing me off. Stupid bus driver

"Well she was a bitc#" Harry stares where the bus use to stand until it left me.

"Harry watch it!. She probably had a rough day " I say while i look for my phone in my purse,meaby Nicole can pick me up.

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