Scene 2: Barcrawling

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  • Dedicated to Jack Martin

Sirens floated through the air from outside of the Pirate's pub, announcing the arrival of the investigation unit. Lights flashed every few moments, and tape covered the entrance, allowing no regular patrons to enter the once peaceful pub. But the tape and those guarding the scene didn't stop civilians from trying to peer through the windows of the establishment, hoping to catch a glimpse of what was unfolding on a busy fall morning.

Inside the building was a man in uniform, looking about his early thirties. His hair was dark and clean cut from a barbershop, giving an aura of professionalism in the midst of death. He had a small notebook in one hand and a pen in the other, talking with the barmaid who had witnessed this tragedy.

"Hello Madam, I am Officer Logan Schultz with Scotland Yard. I assume you are the person who called emergency services?" The man said.

"That's correct." Said the Barmaid. She shuffled her positioning towards the left side of the pub, keeping her gaze away from the body.

"Might I ask what your name is?" Officer Schultz said.

"Julia... Julia Broderick."

"Alright Julia." Officer Schultz began. "I just want you to recap exactly what had happened here and what you had done, and then you may go home or wherever else you wish to be."

"Okay..." Julia began.

"It was about Seven when I first entered the pub. I'm the owner of the store but I work as a barmaid on occasion, and I was setting up for the day first by cleaning the tables. I noticed the radio was on and the lights were off, so I switched them on, and I saw.. I saw that man slouched over the bar."

"Wait." Schultz said, writing down notes as she spoke. "That man is on the floor."

"That's because I thought he was a drunk who had fallen asleep and left behind in the night-there was a regular's birthday party from 9-12 p.m. I went to wake the man up and I pushed him too hard, when he didn't budge, and that's when- oh, dear god I'm sorry."

Julia took a deep breath and let her head rest against her hands, slowly working them up towards her temples and rubbing them, all the while keeping her vision away from the man she had found.

"Ma'am, I understand this may be traumatizing for you, But you need to work with me here. What happened after you found out he was dead?" Schultz said, turning to her.

Julia looked back Officer Schultz, her eyes fixated onto his deep brown eyes. She squinted and said quickly to him; "I grabbed my cell, and I called 999. Then you came. ...Can I please go home now? I've already heard whispers about news anchors wanting to interview me."

"If you insist." Said Schultz. He clicked his pen closed and pushed it through the spiral of the notebook, taking a small card out from the right pocket of his pants. "Here's my personal card. If you have anything else you'd like to tell me, please do. Other than that I have all that I need from you."

Julia looked at Schultz and nodded her head. "Ta." She said, heading for the exit door. Officer Schultz looked back at Julia from the corner of his eye as she slowly walked out of sight, feeling as if something was missing. Schultz shook his own head and gazed over by the body, where his co-workers and team began the forensic investigation.

A woman about Schultz's age watched over the two forensic scientists at work with the victim before her. Her short shoulder brown hair was straight but with volume, giving the appearance of coming right from the salon. She wore a dark brown trench coat and sleek straight black pants with a flowing top, keeping herself modest without losing any sense of business appeal. While her eyes here serious, at the same time they still looked alive, proving so as she looked towards Schultz walking in her direction. One of the forensic scientists beside the woman looked up as Schultz walked towards them, a smile across his face.

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