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She woke up only to the sound a door closing, she looked around and couldn't recognize where she was but then she noticed the antiseptic smell and quickly realized she was in a hospital; that is when she remembered collapsing at the airport when collecting her bags.

"Hey honey, you are awake," Cara heard someone say as the door opened; she looked at the door and so a middle-aged nurse say entering her room smiling softly at her.

"What happened?" Cara asked her unconsciously placing her hand on her stomach.

"You collapsed at the airport and was brought here three hours ago," the nurse said," Did you know you were pregnant sweetheart?"

"Yeah," Cara answered sadly and started crying as she remembered the reason she was in California in the first place.

"Oh honey, are you alright?" the nurse asked rushing to her. All Cara could do was shake her head NO crying harder. The nurse held her closely patting her back in a motherly manner. Cara cried more because she had never before in her life felt that type of comfort. The nurse lay her slowly on the bed because she had cried herself to sleep.

When she woke up again she found herself tucked in and the nurse seated beside her reading a book.

"I'm sorry about my break down earlier," she said looking uncomfortable.

"It's okay sweetheart, we all need a good cry some time, it's a way of relieving some of the emotional stress, so don't apologize. I'm Annabelle by the way," Annabelle said smiling softly at her.

"When can I be discharged?"

"Oh you can leave tomorrow morning, because it's already night time,"

Cara woke up the next morning and found Annabelle putting away her things.

"Well sweetheart, you can leave when you want to, you just have to pay the bill, then you are free to go,"

"Okay," Cara said getting out of the bed, "do you know any hotel where I can find a room?" she asked looking down at her hands.

Annabelle looked at her and asked her why she wanted to stay at a hotel.

"Don't you have a place to stay?"

"No I don't, I don't know anyone here," Cara said feeling tears swelling in her eyes," I just had to get away."

"Hey! Hey! Don't cry, why don't you come stay with me?" Annabelle suggested smiling.

"No I can't. I don't want to impose or burden you," Cara said shaking her head.

"Oh you won't. I leave alone and I have two spare rooms in my house, so you won't be imposing, plus I wouldn't invite you if I thought you were imposing, would i?" Annabelle asked looking at her sternly as if daring her to object.

"No you wouldn't," Cara mumbled, feeling like a little child being scolded by their parent. She agreed because she had no other alternative and also because she felt that she could trust Annabelle.

"Well then Cara dear, pick your bags and lets go, I'm clocking out in a few minutes." Annabelle smiled at her before getting out of the room to go change before they could head out.

They met up at the reception before heading out together. They arrived at Annabelle's place and Cara couldn't help but smile the house looked so comfy on the outside that she started hoping that it had the same feel on the inside.

They walked inside and Cara's suspicions were right, it looked even cozier on the inside. Annabelle was showed Cara to her room which were on the first floor. She told Cara to take a nap before dinner.

Zander had tried had to find out where she would have gone but he still had no clue as to where or who she could be with. Paul helped all that he could but because Cara had not told her where she was he was not of that much help.

Zander took a one week break from work and spent the whole time looking for clues as to where Cara had gone, hoping that it wouldn't be long before he found her, but the problem was he didn't know where she really was.

After looking for her for over a month but still there were no leads as to where she was, it was like she had dropped off the face of the earth. Zander had fired Lisa after she had tried to seduce him again after hearing that his wife had disappeared

Two weeks after Cara disappeared

Zander walked into the office in the afternoon after having a lunch meeting and took a seat behind the computer where he started going through the files that were needed for the meeting he was to have in the next hour. Lisa walked into his office and locked the door before placing her hands on the back of the seat in front of Zander's desk.

"Yes Lisa, how can I help you" Zander asked in a cold tone without looking up from his work. Lisa walked around the desk and sat on the edge of his desk, this made her already short skirt ride even higher exposing her thighs, she slowly started unbuttoning her blouse before taking it of and leaving her in a barely there lace bra.

"What do you....." Zander stopped talking when he looked up and realized that Lisa was practically naked on his desk.

"What the f*ck are you doing?" Zander asked pushing back his chair and stood up.

"Well Zander, I want us to finish what we started that day and don't deny it I know by the way you kissed me that you want me as much as I want you," Lisa said standing up and removing her bra and exposing her breasts, Zander found himself staring at them (don't judge him, he's still a man) and didn't notice Lisa walk and stand before him. He snapped out of his thoughts when she placed her hand on his chest trying to unbutton his shirt. he pushed her away and stepped back.

"Oh come on Zander don't pretend that you don't want me, I just saw you look at my boobs, do you like what you see? You can touch if you want to." Lisa said in a low tone smirking seductively at Zander.

"I'm a man, and boobs are boobs so that doesn't prove anything, now put on your clothes and get the hell out of my office." Zander said in a cold tone before walking to the floor length window and looking out, he was not about to make the same mistake twice, even if Cara was not around he would not cheat on her again.

"Come on Zander, your wife already left, I'm sure you want some action, I'm sure she couldn't satisfy you the way I can," Lisa said trying to put her hands around Zander's waist. Zander turned and pushed her back staring at her with a glare so cold that she felt a shiver run down her spine but she continued plastering the 'seductive smirk' on her face.

"Get the hell out of my office and don't think of coming back. YOU ARE FIRED!!! GET OUT!!" Zander yelled, he couldn't stand her talking that way she did about Cara.

end of flashback

Zander let out a sigh as went through the papers before him, he just couldn't concentrate all he could think about was Cara and whether she was safe and if the baby was aright. did they have a roof over their heads? did they have food? this types of questions kept on going through his head making it had for him to focus. if anything happened to them he couldn't forgive himself. he decided to call his best friend for night out because he wanted to forget about all the stress even for a single night.

"hey Zack, come meet me at my office, i really need to talk to you,"

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