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new chapter people!!!! enjoy but don't forget to comment and vote

very important with a surprise!!!!!!!!!!



"Come on darling, push on the count of three, OK," the doctor spoke softly to Cara who just nodded, she couldn't wait to get this whole process done and over with, she had never known such pain in her life!!!! It had been about two hours since they came in; it took her that while to become fully dilated. Now she regretted refusing the epidural shot

"One...two....three.. push!!!!!"


"Okay you are doing great, I can see the head, on the count of three give me another big push. One...two...three"


"There we are and the baby is out, ten finger and toes and we have ourselves a very handsome baby boy!" the doctor announces smiling at the new mother, as the little man filled the room with his cries

"Wow, he has quite a set of lungs on him," Annabelle said, smiling down at Cara. Cara had a weird feeling in her lower abdomen.

"Ummm... doc I have another weird urge to puuuuushhh... aaaaaaah" Cara said letting out another scream. The doctor rushed back to his previous position and gasped.

"Cara looks like we have another visitor on the way, as we did before give me a big push!!"

"What? Aaaaaaah? I thought I was having one baaaabbby!!!!" Cara said pushing out on instinct.

"Looks like this one was hiding behind the brother. Give me another big push and the baby should be out. One...two...three"

"Aaaaaaaaaah!!!" Cara screamed out but an even bigger cry filled the room.

"Looks like out little surprise is a girl. Ten fingers and ten toes. We have a beautiful baby girl."

"What are their names?" the nurse asked

"Alexander Paul Morreti for my little man and for my little extra surprise Rose Isabella Morreti" Cara said with a tired smile, she had never felt so tired before. She closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Cara woke up a few hours later and found Annabelle looking at the crib that was placed beside her bed, that was when she noticed she had already been moved to a new room. As if sensing she was awake the two babies started crying startling her. Annabelle took Alexander and place him on her right hand and took Rose placing her on her left hand. The two babies latched on her as if they were starving.

Zander was kept in the hospital for two more days, not because he wasn't well, but because his mother insisted that he stay there until she was satisfied he was alright. He remembers looking at his mother as if he was nuts.


"Hey doc I want Zander to stay here for two more days, not only to make me have peace of mind but also to teach him a lesson. Oh and make sure he has loads of that delicious hospital food that you people serve," Isabelle said with an evil smile making Zander's eyes almost pop out of their sockets.

"What?!!!!!" Zander shouted looking at his mother as if she was out of her mind.

"Don't you dare shout at me!!" Isabelle said smacking him on the back of his head.( this moment reminded me of my mom, she is just the same way) making Zander glare at her while grumbling rubbing where is mom had smacked him.

"Don't you look at me like that" Isabelle said getting ready to smack him again.

"Okay! Okay! Just stop with the smacking!" Zander said protecting his head only for his mother to pull his ear.

"Jeez! Woman!!! Are you trying to kill me?!" Zander shouted making Zack and Elisabeth burst out laughing.

"I will kill you because I am the one who pushed your fat ass out of my body after four hours of labor" his mother sassed with her hands on her waist.

"TMI! TMI!" the three youngsters shouted causing Isabella to burst out laughing.

"Well see you in two day Zander," Isabella said laughing and got out of room.

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