Chapter 2: The Job

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Author's Note: Hello Readers, I would like to thank you for reading Lead, Wood, and Rubber (even though right now no one is reading it) also it would be REALLY nice if you can share this story to other people so that my time and effort wouldn't go to waste. BTW Bluebird is a girl so now ill refer to her as a "she".

Italic= "Thoughts/Flashback"

Bluebird insisted on going to Folner Village because of the "Business Opportunities" there, Gene's job isn't a merchant or anything but a mercenary. Right now him and Bluebird are low on supplies and they REALLY need some money and food right now.

"We're here!" Bluebird tweeted

(I'm not good at describing villages but lets say that this village has a chapel, 40 houses, a blacksmith, 2 inns, and various shops)

Gene surveyed the village, it has a friendly atmosphere with children playing and adults mingling with others but he knew what would happen when they saw his face that's where his cap came in handy. For some reason people don't recognize him when his eyes are covered which is very convenient because the brim of his cap shadows his eyes. The reason why Gene doesn't want people to recognize him because.......


"There's that boy again" a woman said to her friend

"Oh I pity him, any magic would do but THIS?" her friend replied

Gene decided to take stroll in the village but everywhere he went  people would always point and stare at him. In just a week after he had taken the test everyone knew what were his results. When a child turns 10 they take a "Magic Evaluation Test"  for the said child to know his/her magic and to properly harness it. The test is managed by a priest in every village and it took place in the chapels, how the test works is that you have to hold onto a glass globe to determine what power you have, for example a child who is able to control fire  and they were holding the globe a little spark of flames would appear inside , but in Gene's case.


Gene was about to enter the building, his whole body shaking in excitement. He wore a simple blue shirt and khaki shorts and he didn't wear a cap back then revealing his untidy black hair

"Whoa there champ," A man said "We have only have a few minutes before you're allowed to enter."

This man is Gene's father, he wore a blue velvet cloak with gold linings concealing most of the clothing he wore, he has black hair like Gene's and kind blue eyes that would instantly make anyone feel at ease when accompanied by him.

"But Dad," Gene impatiently said "Today is the DAY I finally find out what my magic is!"

"Well that doesn't mean that you have to jump around the place." His father chuckled

"Now, now cut the boy some slack" another voice said but it sounded much older than Gene's father whom has a deeper voice

 A frail priest garbed in red, yellow and white clothing stepped out of the chapel with a staff in his hand.

"Since you so badly want to take the test now you can come in early." The priest said.

Gene squealed in delight as he rushed inside the chapel leaving the two men outside.

"Hey! that's not fair, when I was a kid I had to wait for two straight hours!" Gene's father protested

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