leaving home

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thanks for reading guys if you like sad stories I would advise you to read my one shots..if you'd like I wont force you to thanks for reading love you all so much best readers ever:))  And if you would like to add more sadness listen to Fix you by coldplay



I woke up to light snoring and small breaths tickling my nose I slowly opened my eyes to see Niall the one and only wow I couldn't believe this I slowly tried to move out without waking him but was pulled tighter into his hold I had failed to remember his arm was around my waist

"Where do you think your going" he slowly mumbles out making me smile "I was going to order breakfast for us what would you like?" he thought for a minute eyes still maintained closed but it felt as if he was starring right at me "hmmm get me whatever you're getting" I giggled at the thought  I eat very large amounts of food and he might not even be able to finish it

" well you should know I eat very large amounts of food and I don't think you will be able to finish it all" his eyes opened wide and his smile went from ear to ear I felt him jump on tope of me and hug me tight

" Darling me and you are going to get along fairly well I can guarantee you that" he said and looked down at my lips slowly and back at my eyes his blue ocean eyes sent chills down my spine they were like electricity I swear I saw his face come closer ending the space between the two of us his soft small lips pressed to my blush pink lips  he slowly raised his head and smiled down at me

" you can order room service now" he giggled I rolled my eyes and pushed him off of me reaching for the phone I quickly ordered and hung up I turned to see he was starring right at me " take a picture it will last longer" I joked causing a small blush to his cheeks making me smile he just looked down at the pillow " ummm I need to go get Zayn really quick "

he quickly lifted his head "why?!" he said sternly almost angry "I need some of the clothes I brought out of his car" than remembering they were in Nialls I quickly acted "oh never mind there in your car arnt they ?" he thought for a second before it hit him "oh yah they are lets go get them

------***She's is wearing white jeans, Black toms and a black high low flowy shirt with a black and gold necklace***

after we finally left the hotel I decided to ride with Liam and Louis me and Louis sat in the back and played tennis of course he won every round " ok I feel if I play another round my hand is going to fall off" I say shaking my hand causing a laugh to escape both of their lips I saw us pull up in  my drive way " cant wait to see your room" Louis said creepily making me give a what's wrong with you look making him smile even more I quickly ran out of the car as soon as Liam took the keys out I felt a strong pair of arms rap around me making me squirm I turned to see Louis smiling I quickly tickled his side which made him release me giving me the chance to escape

I ran into my mum as soon as I went to my room she was already packing with tears in her eyes I quickly made my way towards her and wrapped my arms around her Louis entered but than saw what was going on so he gave us some space

"Everything is gonna be alright" I whispered making her give me a very weak smile as I wipe a tear from her cheek " I know hunny promise me one thing " she asked "anything" I replied she sat me down and took my hands " promise me that on your last week you'll come back to leave earth here" she said sobbing making me begin to cry

" I promise" I say and quickly hug her I have never seen my  mum so weak which makes me sadder  " well I packed everything for you all you need is your underwear and bras and whatever else " she says wiping the tears off her cheeks " ok thank you you're the best" I say getting up  and giving her one last hug before she exits the room once she's gone I hear pairs of feet hit the stairs  followed by my door swinging open

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