Make a wish

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thank you guys for reading it means a lot but please share this tory is personal to me share it to your Facebook ,Twitter, Friends ,Family ,Dog ,Cat ,Elephant, Monkey ....imaginary friend:) lol I have one so don't judge but please I'm not asking for much just for this story to be known thank you (Y/N)


"Hunny wake up " I heard a calm yet stern voice say " mmm let me be" I said sounding a little groggy I hard giggles at my response "its 4:00am get up" I heard my muther say " well than I guess I have to tell Niall maybe next time" I shot up in the speed of light " I am awake"  My Mum and siblings looked at each other before breaking down in laughter I felt my cheeks burn red " you should have seen the look on your face it was priceless" I heard my brother say through panting breaths "not funny" I said with a strained face " it's funny when it happens to you" same old Cameron never changes " I am going to take a quick shower " my mom smiled "good because I already did your nails and I already have your look planned today" I smiled looking down at my nails they were a light shade of a minty green with both my ring fingers coated in a glittery silver they where really good my mom always knew how to do all of that hair and makeup stuff I nodded and walked into the bathroom it was rather small but had a body mirror against the wall a single person shower with a glass door and a small sink I sighed and turned to the mirror closing the door and locking it I looked at myself stripping from the layers of clothes I had on I looked like a broken girl so fragile that if you dropped me I would break I was much paler than before a lot skinnier than before  

I noticed a rather large scar right above where my heart should be I gasped when I saw it I walked a bit closer to get a better look I gently ran my fingers above the scar it was crusted red and swollen a bit but looked a little like it was disappearing  " it's ok you wont have to deal with it that long you'll be gone and forgotten soon" a tear escaped my eye and slowly made its way down my cheeks and neck to where the scar was causing a slow drift of dry blood to flow down with it o shook my head and rubbing my face with my hands removing my tears I turned the shower on and waited a bit before sticking my hand in to make sure it was warm enough sure enough it was and I slowly made my small body in the warm water letting it engulf me in its steamy waves of heat and warm drops run down between my dimples in my lower back it felt so relaxing for a second everything else was forgotten I opened my eyes to see the glass foggy I lifted my hand to write

R.I.P Arabella Horan "please don't forget me"

I wish one day I would just be able to have his last name maybe I will ask a second or two before I die I felt the water around me get a colder that was my cue to get out I climber out and wrapped my hair and body into towels I turned to face the blurry mirror I whipped it to see my scar had died down in redness and it looked a bit raw and white as snow but thank goodness it was fading I slowly opened the door causing a cold burst of air to hit me sending uncontrollable chills down my spine I noticed a little mint green dress and a pair of small but cute heels which where also mint green but had glittery silver sparkles where the laces where on top (P.S if you want to get a little taste of the outfit I will try to post it on my wall still trying to figure that part out sorry) I smiled my mum always had the best taste I picked them up and quickly walked back into the steamy warmth of the bathroom I slid the dress on and than the heels it look really cute on me especially now that I lost like 20 pounds I walked back out to see my mum sitting on my bed smiling " I knew it would look beautiful " I smiled at her

" now lets get your hair and makeup done shall we?" I giggled slightly at her excitement " since when do you let me do my makeup willingly " I asked she tensed up a bit before responding me " well you have to do everything now before it's to late and I know how much you have always loved getting dolled up and this will probably be the last time I get to since you're leaving me which I completely understand"      I glared at her      " what" she asked I smiled before responding " you are doing it again" I said with a serious tone but a smile played on my face it was genuine but it hurt to know she was that worried she couldn't bring herself to stop blabbing about things she nodded and gave me a look of I know "ok now lets get you ready we don't have much time " I asked a bit nervous at the answer what if her already came and saw I wasn't ready and left " don't worry it's only 4:20 we have time" she walked over to the other side of the bed where 2 huge suitcases and 2 smaller cases and 3 purses with a little box that looked like a gift she walked back over to me and gestured her hand to sit down in the extra chair next to my bed I sat down and it took about 50 minutes until we finished and than it was makeup time I saw her bring very light eye shadows I didn't really get a good look at them because she made me close my eyes so she could work

after about 13 minutes she finished she pulled me into the bathroom and showed me my mew me I felt amazed at her work  "what time is it " I asked she pulled out her phone and replied "its 5:31am he should be here soon"  I smiled I was going to finally meet him I hope he doesn't think I am to dressed "WAIT!" I said out loud not realizing I wasn't in my head anymore "WHAT WHAT'S WRONG" my mom replied worried I smiled and laughed to myself " I meant to think that she nodded "well what where you thinking about that almost gave me a heart attack " she asked "well I was thinking maybe I was a bit over dressed" she smiled at me brightly and laughing quietly " Hun you look absolutely amazing and trust me for once Seattle isn't gloomy and raining it's actually very nice outside considering it's 5:43" she said while taking another glance at her phone and smiling " why are you so happy" I said a little concerned whenever she has that smile on her face she always has some plan "oh nothing don't worry about it and trust me you are not going to be overdressed" she said and with that Greg walked in with his mouth held agape before smiling " you look absolutely beautiful " I smiled and felt my cheeks get a bit warm at his words " thank you" I don't know why but every time a man said I looked nice or something I always felt weird and for once appreciated

he slowly walked in and behind him was ......

CLIFFHANGER should I be mean and make it someone you would hate or Niall maybe a Niall P.O.V to start it I don't know we shall see my loves thanks for reading (Y/N)

Lots of love XoXo Muahh!

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