Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 


Sabrina looked at her parents. "I know that you love me, and that you will look after Jaci, so I must go. Ryan needs me, and I need him and Zack." When she was done talking Sabrina could feel the tears running down her face. When her parents looked at each other, then she looked down at her daughter. "Mommy and daddy loves you ok, never forget that. We miss you so much." the little girl looked up at her then she toughed Sabrina's stomach. "baby." Sabrina quickly looked up at her parents. "That is why your sad isn't it because I'm pregnant, with Blake's child?" Her mother walked over to her. "You have choices,, that you must make." then she put her hand on Sabrina's shoulder. Sabrina looked at her mother then she turned to her father who also walked up to her. "It sounds like you made you first. You wish to be with you family longer. The next is what you choose to do with the child." both her parents looked back at Jaci. "We must go. We all love you and will always be with you." before Sabrina could say anything they were gone. 

"Sir, visiting hours are over. I'm sorry but you have to leave." Zack looked at the nurse that had came in, then turned back to the love of his life. "Please, I need more time, I will leave soon I just need to be here a while longer." the nurse saw the look in his eyes and nodded her head. As the nurse left the room a doctor came in. "Mr. MaComer, you brother is fine and if you don't mind then we will put him in thus room so that you don't have to worry about walking back and forth." Zack nodded his head. "That is fine with me, it will be easier." When Owen was brought in, Zack could see that he was wake. "How can you be awake before Sabrina?" Owen looked over at Sabrina. "Don't for Blake made her hit her which made her hit her head pretty hard." That would have to affect her in some way." Zack looked at Sabrina holding onto her hand. "I hope she wakes soon. Christmas Eve is tomrrow and it wont be the same without her." Blake looked Toward to door as a police men came in. "Sir, I have really bad news."


Sabrina knew that she was having trouble with what choice to choose but she also knew that she had to get back soon. the problem that she had with that was that she didn't know how to get back. she had gone for a walk towards the waiting room so that she could check on Ryan. she had heard everything that Zack had said to her. even tho she wasn't in the same room as him now. When she saw Ryan Sitting on the floor without one around to watch him, she begain to wonder where Sarah was. When she saw Ryan look up towards her she didn't think nothhering about it till he said the one word that made her know that he could see her. "MOMMY!!" But when he went to run up to hug her Sarah showed up out of nowhere and picked him up. "you mommy is still in her room there buddy,your daddy is with her. I know why don't we go and get something to eat? You can whatever you want, ok?" Sabrina knew that something wasn't right, that Sarah was acting way to werid. "Ryan Baby if you can hear me tell Sarah that you want to go see you daddy,ok honey." Ryan nodded his head, and did what Sabrina told him to do. "Ryan your daddy is busy and can't see you wait now. but maybe later he can ok?" Just as Sarah was done saying this a man came over to them. "Sarah there you are." Sabrina knew that voice anywhere, feeling her blood run cooled. "I thought we agreed that we would meet you at the doors?" The man caught hold of Sarah's chin. "And I thought that i told you never to saw things like that to me. Now we have top go before the police come to get you to 'try and keep you safe.'" The man laught at the thought. "You can leave the boy here we dont need him right now. We might need him later, but for now we do not." Sabrina Looked at Ryan. "Ryan you have to do something else for mommy ok? I need you to scream as loud as you can to get some help ok, that men is bad. remember waht daddy and i taught you to do when someone you don't know comes up to you?" she waited till Ryan shook his head yes. "Good that is what you have to do, and tell them that you want you daddy when someone comes to help." Ryan took a deep breath them he started to scream blue bloody murder. 


Before the Police was able to tell Zack what was wrong, Zack heard Ryan Scream. "Ryan!" Then He took off to see if he was ok. When Zack reached Ryan he saw why he was screaming for help. because he knew the men that was talking to Sarah. "Sarah get away from him!" Zack yelled at her, as he took Ryan in his arms. When she turned to look at him, Zack knew then that she had something to do with the fact that Blake knew where they were. He would have had to get the info from Sarah because he didn't tell anyone, and Sabrina would have told her best friend almost anything that she wanted to know because they grow up together. "Sarah, I can't believe that you would help them get to Sabrina." Sarah looked at Zack. "At first i didn't know that he was using me in that way, not until Sabrina called. I told him because i thought that he cared for but i guess that he doesn't. I'm so sorry Zack I didn't mean for any of you to get hurt. I had to tell someone where you were because I thought that Sabrina was being stupid for going back to you." Zack watched as tears where falling from Sarah's eyes. but before they had a change to anything else the men beside Sarah turned to Zack. "You haven't won yet." Then he turned towards Sarah and cupped her chin so that she was looking at him, he gave her a quick kiss before saying: "I will see you later.| then he ran. Before Zack or anyone else could say something a Sabrina's doctor came up to them. "sir you might want to come see your wife she seems to be waking up but then she goes back to sleep we think that she might have much time left on this world."


Sabrina knew that she had to hurry if she wanted to wake up because she had to tell Zack about being pregnant, as well as telling Sarah that she knew that she didn't mean to tell Blake where she was. But she was having a hard time as if some drugged with something that was making it harder to stay awake. but she knew that couldn't be true because Zack had been at her side the whole time. She heard the door to her room open, then Zack's hand on holding hers. "Sabrina, honey if you can hear me then please move your hands." Sabrina heard Ryan and Sarah in the room. "Please wake up honey. It's almost Christmas, we need you here for that." When Sabrina heard a doctor come in she knew that it was to late she had to get up before they pulled the plug. "Sir i think maybe you all should sit in the hall this isn't helping her. Some other doctors are coming down to talk to you about her being an organ candidate." Before Zack was even able to do more than blink an eye at the doctor who had said this, Ryan yelled: "Mommy!!" Sabrina had opened her eyes as the doctor was basically asking for her organs. She watched as Zack turned slowly so that he was looking at her. Sabrina felt tears running down her face. "Zack I am so sorry that I didnt wake up sooner, but i was talking to mother and father." Then as she told him what happened and what she saw she cried harder. "Sabrina it's ok. if you are pregnant then we will keep the child and raise like it was OURS not his." 


Know that she was not only rapped but that she could be pregnant with Blake's child, Zack wanted to leave so that he could have some time to think. But he knew that if he did that then she would think that he didn't love her anymore. "Your not mad that I might be pregnant?" Zack held her hand tight, as he used his other hand to wipe the tears from her face. "why would i be mad at you? it was him that did it." Then Zack remembered that the police men that had came in had n't been able to tell him what was wrong. "Sabrina" Zack turned so that Sabrina could see her friends face. "I AM S.... SOOOO ...... SORRY... I DIDN'T KNOW......"Before she was able to finished what she was saying. Sabrina held out her arms so that they could hug. "I know that you didn't mean to/ you thought that he loved you, you loved him and you didn't know that he was going to do what he did." Sabrina looked at Zack then she turned towards Owen who had been sitting up on his bed watching this scene, with Ryan close by. "Thank you so much for helping Owen, I don't know what we would have done without you. i am sorry that you got hurt because of me." then Sabrina standing beside Owen with tears coming down his face. "Come here baby." Zack watched as Sabrina held out her arms so that Ryan could run into them. "Mommy i missed you so much. I am sorry i was such a bad boy." Sabrina held Ryan close then her and Zack looked at each other. "What do you mean honey, you didn't do anything." Before Ryan could tell them what he had done the police that had came in before Ryan's scream for help, st3eped into the room again.. "I know that you might not want to hear bad news but i have some that you might want to know." He waited until everyone was silent before he continued: "It seems that the man that had tried to get Sarah to go with him, well you see he escaped. I also had a call from some of my men and it seems that when we thought that Blake was dead.... he wasn't in fact we think that it was all an act so that he could get out without as knowing." Zack felt Sabrina's grip tighten on his hand. "That can't be true... i mean he had no pulse." The police turned toward the doctor. "Would you mind telling them what could have been done to make it like that, please?"

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