Just the Right Office

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Niall and I hop into his car and sing loudly to Justin Bieber on the way to Harry's apartment. Niall honks the horn and Harry comes out looking as hot as possible. What am I saying?! 'You know exactly what you're saying' my conscious reminds me. Harry hops in back. He leans forward and gives me a kiss on the cheek earning an amused look from Niall.

"I'm glad I get to see you sooner then tomorrow" Harry whispers in my ear.

Blood rushes to my cheeks.

"Yeah same here," I struggle to speak.

He sinks back into his seat and turns to stare out the window. I keep my eyes looking forward, trying so hard to ignore Niall's teasing. After I tell Niall where Izzy and Ally live (they share an apartment), we arrive at their flat. Niall honks the horn once again and I send Harry a smile which he instantly returns.

The two girls appear from behind the door leading to their apartment complex. They look as pretty as always. Jealousy stirs inside me, but I push it away. Ally is wearing a pink summer dress while Izzy is wearing a grey shirt with an Aztec print skirt. They say hi to the guys and Niall can't keep his eyes off of Izzy. I pinch his arm to get him to focus back on the road. Izzy blushes and bites her lip. Oh god this is so cute.

"So Izzy, how are you enjoying the single life?" I ask her, nudging Niall.

He instantly perks up hearing that she's single.

"It's ok," She responds, sneaking a look at Niall.

Harry taps on my shoulder so I turn around.

"Do you feel the sparks?" Harry asks.

"Yes! Niall and Izzy would be cute together!" I squeal quietly.

"Babe, I'm not talking about them." Harry winks and smiles, cheekily.

I look at him confused. What does he mean? Realization hits me. God I'm stupid. He means me and him. I blush. What a flirt!

"Yeah I feel it." I whisper trying and unsuccessfully flirting.

Harry chuckles and sits back in his seat.

Why couldn't I think of something more clever to say back?! Mentally face palming, I shut my eyes for the rest of the car ride.

We look at three different office buildings before finding one I like. The building is a good size, not to small, not to large. I can expand later if this whole thing works out. The offices itself are pretty big and have light blue walls. I sign the legal documents after having my "lawyer" Niall look over them with me. We drop the girls back off and then they take me back. Ashley is eating some cereal and I join her. I go to sleep fairly early because I want to have my beauty sleep for my date tomorrow. Hopefully, the date goes well and I don't look like a fool in front of Harry.

A/N: Hey, I'm sorry I know this chapter kinda sucks but I thought I'd update anyways. So ya I will probably update a way better chapter soon that features "Jarrys" date. lol I'm weird :P enjoy tho:)

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