The Continued

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      "Who even are these plushies anyway?" I knew there were only the 2 animatronics at the diner, so who were these? Then I remembered, even though there were only 2 animatronics, there were more characters. I had only seen a few posters around the diner.

      My mind was occupied at that point, and took me a few moments to remember what I saw. The Girl. The Guard. The blood. And that bittersweet look of hope I saw in her eyes. "I didn't know her, or even know her name. But in a way we are connected. But she is gone now. And no one can ever know anything. I can never bring myself to tell anyone." I said aloud. 

     My older brother was looking at me, hiding behind the door frame, and listening to everything I had said.  He snickered and crept away thinking I didn't see him, but I knew he was there. Thinking bad, mean things about me inside his twisted head. My brother hated me. He constantly called  me pathetic, broke my things, pushed me against walls, told rumors at school about me. That sort of thing. My life was a living hell, and I was tired of it. 

     I stayed in my room all day. I just sat on my bed and chatted with my new friends. Bonnie, Chica, Freddy, Foxy, and FredBear. "These are my friends, I whispered to myself, they will protect me." FredBear was always the most talkative, but sometimes he told me scary things. Things that reminded me of the girl, and about the man in the purple uniform. Whenever he talked about anything like that, I would suppress all of my words. And stay silent.

     I found myself no longer wanting to go to school. I wanted to stay home with my friends, and act like everything else was just a dream, but this couldn't be a dream, because I can no longer sleep at night. At night I hear things. Evil things.  

     I feel like I'm not all here. Not all in the present. The day I saw that girl...tied up..bloody.. A part of me died that day, along with her. 

                                                          (No longer in past tense now in present tense)

                                                                                      THE NEXT DAY

     As usual I don't  sleep. I sit on my bed with my flashlight, while telling myself, "Tomorrow's another day." But the next day is always the same as the last, if not worse. I was going to talk to my friends again today. But my brother did something terrible. He took Foxy's head. Stuffing come's out from Foxy's neck in clumps. " Oh no!" I yell. It's okay if my brother messes with me, but not my friends. They're the only things I have, my parents don't love me. They're constantly muttering weird things about me when they think I'm not listening. Things like, " Are you sure it's just a phase?" And, "Should we get a therapist?" or, " Are you sure he's okay?". 

     I'm walking through the hallway of the upstairs of my house. I look over the banister, and down to the grandfather clock seeing a gold teddy bear like figure. FredBear? I curiously descend down the white carpeted stairs. Once I get down there, I look up at the old maple wood clock and see FredBear perched on top. His pupils are white and his purple bow-tie and hat seem to glow. I hurry away, but I hear FredBear still whispering no matter how far away I get. I can't make out all the words but I do get some of them. ".....You can't" The whispers say.

     I start to run. Away from the clock. Away from the golden bear, it doesn't seem to help much, but suddenly they just dead stop. No more whispers. I start to feel safe.

 "AAAAARRRRRGGGHHHH" My brother screams. He violently shakes my shoulders. I turn around, and I see Foxy. Wait, no my brother wearing Foxy's head. I know it's not  real but I scream as loud as I can anyway. I run away, past FredBear, up the stairs, and back into my room. I slam the door shut.

" Tomorrow is another day."

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